Chapter 6

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Hermione wasn't even sure why she was so shocked. She knew that Draco and Pansy had some sort of relationship. The girl could usually be found draped over Malfoy whenever they ate in the Great Hall. Seeing him like that, in such an intimate setting, it unsettled her. She couldn't say why, but seeing Pansy wearing his jersey bothered her. Hermione didn't say another word, just spun on her heels and stormed off down the stairs back to her tea.

A few minutes after, Pansy came down the stairs, flashed Hermione a very unfriendly smirk and then left. Draco came down a minute later and poured himself a cup of tea from the pot that Hermione had brewed. "Did you have to bring her here?" Hermione asked before she could stop the words from coming out of her mouth.

"Why do you care? You don't see me pissing and moaning every time I see Weasel face pawing at you," Draco sneered.

"Ron does not 'paw' at me first of all, second...I don't bring him here. I would appreciate it if you keep your conquests to outside of this dorm," Hermione said defensively.

"This is my space too, and if I want to fuck on every surface in here, I will."

"Fine. Then so will I," Hermione blurted out. She's not sure what possessed her to make such a claim.

Draco's eyes went wide at her proclamation. He wasn't prepared for her to say anything of the sort. He thought Hermione would get all red faced and prudish, and then run out of there. He'd intended to make her uncomfortable, but now she'd turned it around on him. Now he was forced to picture walking in and finding her bent over the table with the ginger prat's pimply ass pounding away into her. Nope. Nope that wouldn't do at all.

"Okay, fine. I won't bring girls back here again," Draco said after a moment.

"Thank you," Hermione said with a huff.

A week later and Malfoy had made good on his promise. He had not brought anyone back to his room, and he was grateful to see that Granger had also not brought Weasley there either. Unfortunately for him, he kept spotting them sitting at the Gryffindor table, and the Weasel always had his hands on her. He was either holding her hand, had his arm around her, or had his slobbery looking lips on hers. It made Draco lose his appetite. To her credit, she seemed to be embarrassed about the later, and always was the one to end it.

Draco had sought out Pansy, but it didn't go well. She had tried to blow him, but he couldn't get hard for her. He had eventually pushed her away, pulled up his pants, and stormed out. The next day in the Great Hall, she had approached him and had draped herself over him, but he had shrugged her off and left without eating.

Hermione had spent the last week studying hard, and fending off ever increasing advances from Ron. She had told him she wasn't ready for anything physical, and he'd told her that was fine, but more and more he'd been pushing for it. He was being more aggressive with his wandering hands, and tongue. After he'd once again tried to snog her right there in the middle of the Great Hall, she had been so embarrassed. After supper, when he was walking her back to her common room, she pulled them both to a stop.

"Ron, I think we need to talk," Hermione said, "I..."

"You're right, we do need to talk," Ron interrupted, "Are you ever going to want to shag?"

Hermione stood there staring at him. "Ron, I...I told you I want to, I'm just not ready yet."

"I don't think I can wait anymore," Ron said.

"What? What are you saying?" Hermione asked as she took a step back from him.

"I have needs 'Mione. I...I'm sorry, but if you don't want to sleep with me now, I have to break up with you."

Hermione's jaw dropped. This was not where she thought this was going. She stood stunned as Ron shuffled on his feet nervously. "Look, 'Mione. It doesn't have to be this way. I just...I love you and I want to be with you."

"Ron, if you really loved me, then you wouldn't mind waiting until we were both ready. You can't just get your way with an ultimatum. I mean seriously...who does that?" Hermione was somewhere between furious and heartbroken.

"I guess that's that then," Ron said.

"I guess it is then," she said with a little shake to her voice that she hated.

Hermione turned and ran the rest of the way to the Head's common room. She quickly said the password and flung the door open. She ran through the common room toward the stairs, desperate to get to her room before the tears overflowed. Draco's eyes snapped up from the book he was reading as she burst into the room, obviously upset.

"Granger?" He asked as she ran through the room, up the stairs, and her bedroom door slammed shut.

He put his book down and followed her. Draco knocked on her door, and said, "Granger. What happened?"

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