Chapter 35

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The next morning, Draco awoke to the sun streaming down on them from his bedroom window. He looked down at the sleeping girl in his arms, and let out a contented sigh before brushing a stray lock of hair from her face. He leaned down and lightly kissed her temple where the bruises was now barely visible. He had been so scared that he'd lose her.

Draco's arms tightened around her as those fears resurfaced. Hermione's eyes fluttered open and her gaze met his. "Hey," she says with a shy smile.

"Hey," he returned and punctuated with a sweet kiss on her lips.

"What time is it?" Hermione asked, realizing how bright it was in the room.

"About eight o'clock," Draco answered.

"So what you're saying is that we have a little time before your Quidditch practice?" Hermione asked playfully quirking her eyebrows up and down.

Draco immediately picked up what she was getting at and said, "I think even if we didn't, I would make time for that."

He then kissed her with all the emotion and passion he had in his heart. He poured it out into her. Her arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him down on top of him. He proceeded to make tender love to her until well past the time he should have been up and ready, but neither of them cared. The outside world had faded away, and it was just the two of them expressing all of what they felt for each other.

Later that day Hermione discovered through Ginny that Ron had been pulled from Hogwarts by his parents. His father had told him that he would not tell the Headmistress or the Ministry, but he was no longer welcome a The Burrow. He had been shipped off to Romania to work with his brother Charlie.

An owl arrived that evening from Arthur and Molly telling her how much they love her, and how sorry they are for what their son had done to her. They told her that she was always welcome anytime at The Burrow. They said they would see her at graduation, and they hoped she would come by for a visit once school was over.

The next few months went by so fast. She and Draco were incredibly happy together. They spent as much time together as their busy school schedules allowed. She also sat in the stands and cheered him on at every single Quidditch match, while wearing one of his jerseys, much to Ginny and Harry's annoyance.

After graduation, Hermione did go visit The Burrow for a week. Harry and Ginny were staying there a couple of weeks until their apartment in the city was ready. It was fun to spend time with the warm fun-loving family again. It felt familiar, but at the same time there was something different. That something was the absence of Ron. It felt strange being there where they all shared so many memories, and not have him there too. The Weasley's didn't talk about him anymore. So, as wonderful as it was to be there with them, it wasn't quite the same.

She also missed Draco incredibly. They sent owls every day they were apart, but it wasn't the same as being in his arms. He spent the week with his mother in France, and after her week at The Burrow, Hermione joined them in France.

Hermione was nervous to meet Narcissa Malfoy for the first time since the fateful events that dark night at Malfoy Manor. Draco assured her that his mother was excited to meet her. She was not the crazy zealot his father had been. Narcissa supported her husband when he was alive, but she never truly believed in the pureblood pride the way Lucius had.

When Hermione arrived via portkey to the new Malfoy manor in the south of France, the old manor having been confiscated and destroyed by the Ministry following the events of the second Wizard War, Draco rushed to greet her. She jumped into his arms, and he spun her around with a smile before kissing her fully on the lips. After a moment, the lovers parted and Draco turned them both to face his mother who was waiting a few feet away.

"Nice to finally get to meet you properly Hermione. Any woman who can make my son smile like that must be something special," Narcissa smiled sweetly as she took Hermione's hand and led her toward the garden where tea was waiting for them.

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