Chapter 10

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The next morning, they got up around the same time, and both went about their morning routine in comfortable silence. Draco made a pot of tea while Hermione showered. Then when she was done, he took his turn. When he came down the stairs, she had both of their school bags ready near the door and they sat and drank their tea until it as time to head to breakfast. They walked quietly together down to the Great Hall where they split up and each headed toward their house tables.

As Draco approached Blaise and Theo, his eyes met Pansy's. She looked furious. Her gaze moved from his over to the Gryffindor table and landed on Hermione. He couldn't find it in himself to feel any more remorse. He had been honest with her. He sat down between Blaise and Theo and then began to fill his plate.

He was in the middle of talking with Blaise about Quidditch practice when he felt a presence behind him. He turned to see an angry Pansy behind him. He let out an exasperated sigh.

"It's her isn't it?" Pansy asked, her voice shaking with barely contained rage.

"What are you on about?" Draco asked.

"She's the reason that you said those things yesterday. You like the mudblood." Pansy seethed.

"Don't fucking call her that," Draco said as he turned fully to face her.

"You do. You like her," Pansy said in disgust, "How could you lower yourself like that Draco? She's nothing. She's a filthy fucking mudblood. You're pureblood."

"You don't know what the fuck you're talking about Pansy. I will not warn you again though to mind your tongue." Draco snapped. He could feel the eyes of the students around him all watching the exchange.

"Have you been fucking her?" Pansy demanded.

"That is none of your fucking business. Nothing I do is any of your business." Draco replied.

"You're wrong. Everything you do is my business. You are supposed to marry me." Pansy yelled. Her rage no longer contained.

"I am not going to say it again. I'm not marrying you. I don't give a fuck what our parents agreed to. It's not happening. It was never going to happen."

"We'll see." Pansy threatened.

"Just go. You're making a fool out of yourself," Draco said as he turned back to his meal, although his appetite was now gone. Pansy stood there staring at him for a long moment before letting out a huff and then storming out of the Great Hall.

"Well, that was uncomfortable," Theo joked.

"Fuck off," Draco replied.

"Is it true? Did you break up with Pansy for Granger?" Blaise asked.

"I was never really with Pansy. There was nothing to break up." Draco answered.

"But you are not fucking her anymore?" Theo asked.

"No. No I'm not," Draco replied.

"Because of Granger?" Blaise asked.

Draco was now quite tired of the conversation. He stood up without answering Blaise and walked out of the Great Hall. Hermione had watched the exchange, along with most of the students. She couldn't hear most of what was said, but it was quite apparent that Malfoy had done something to upset Pansy. Had he broken it off? That seemed likely with the way that the young witch had stormed out of the Great Hall.

She turned her attention back to Harry and Ginny who were talking to her about their holiday plans. "Mum said she'd send our presents here. She was really sad that she'd not see us, but she hasn't seen Charlie is so long. I told her it was fine. Plus little Emma is just starting to walk now, and I know how much Mum and Dad want to see her." Ginny explained.

They usually all spent the holidays at the Weasley's house, but this year Ginny and Ron's parents were going to visit Charlie in Romania. They were all going to just stay at Hogwarts this year, and Hermione couldn't help but feel like maybe it was a blessing. She couldn't imagine spending two weeks with Ron at his house, even though she knew that the entire family loved her and she would be welcome, she knew it would feel awkward.

Since she'd been told by the Ministry that the Obliviate she'd done on her parents was irreversible, her life had become quite intertwined with Ron's. The Weasley's had taken her in when she had nowhere else to go, just as they had Harry. They never once made her feel like she was a burden. Now that she wasn't with Ron though, she wondered if that might change when she inevitably ended up going back there.

Ron and Lavender walked into the Great Hall just then, hand in hand. He sat down next to Hermione and started filling his plate. "Do you want some syrup Won Won?" Lavender asked with her finger dripping with maple syrup held up in front of him.

"You know I do," Ron answered as he leaned over and took her finger in his mouth as he made an "mmmmm..." noise.

Hermione had had enough. She snorted in disgust and then stood up and walked out of the Great Hall and to her potions class. Better to be early for class than watch even a single second more of whatever that was. Footsteps sounded out behind her. "Hermione, wait." 

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