Chapter 34

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When it was time for the ball, everyone made their way to the Great Hall. The boys all found each other out in the hallway just outside. Theo and Blaise both looked at each other briefly. Each wondered if the past could truly be left in the past. They were both pleasantly surprised when The Boy Who Lived nodded at the former Death Eater.

"Potter," Draco said.

"Malfoy," Harry returned.

It was at that exact moment movement over Draco's shoulder caught Harry's attention. Draco turned to see the girls descending the stairs. "Wow," all four boys said at once. The girls looked fantastic.

Ginny was wearing a blue satin gown with an empress waistline that hung down to just above her ankles. Luna wore a purple gown with frills and a giant white satin bow. Hermione was between them, each holding one arm to steady her, and she was wearing a green satin gown that hugged ever delicious curve on her body. Draco couldn't take his eyes off her. The gown had a slit up one side that showed a tantalizing hint of leg every time she took a step. The neckline was off the shoulders, and showed just a hint of cleavage. She always looked beautiful to Draco, but tonight she looked like a dream.

As the girls approached them, the girls handed Hermione off to Draco. Harry took Ginny's arm, and much to everyone's surprise, Blaise took Luna's. She beamed up at the young Slytherin with that dreamy smile she is so known for, and he looked down at her like she was the most beautiful creature he'd ever seen. Draco didn't even try to hide his grin. This was a curveball he never saw coming.

The group all entered the ball just as the band began playing. They claimed a table and got some drinks. The girls danced to a few pop songs while the boys watched.

"There he is!" A voice Harry would knew anywhere exclaimed from behind him.

He turned and there stood Molly and Arthur Weasley. The twins were flanking them. He got up and hugged them all. The girls soon joined them, and there were hugs all around. "Where is Ron?" Molly asked.

"Ummmmm..." Ginny started.

"Oh, there he is! Ron, get over here," Molly exclaimed.

All eyes darted over to where, sure enough, Ron Weasley was standing about fifteen feet away looking like he wasn't sure if he wanted to join them or bolt. He decided to join them. His mother pulled him into one of her infamous warm hugs. Ginny looked to Fred and George.

They quickly pulled her toward the drink table. "We can't tell her Gin," Fred said.

"It'd kill her," George finished.

Ginny nodded, "Yeah, I know. It just doesn't feel right that he did that and gets off with nothing. He tried to rape her. That's..."

"I know," both twins said in unison.

"What?" A deep voice sounded behind them.

"Fuck," the twins again said in unison.

The siblings turned to find their father standing behind them. He knew his children well enough to know that something was up. He'd seen the looks on all of their faces when Ron had showed up. He'd also seen them promptly excuse themselves. What he'd just overheard couldn't be true though, could it?

He pointed to a doorway that he knew lead out onto a balcony. The three Weasley children looked at each other and then followed their father out of the Great Hall and onto the cold wintery balcony. "Tell me." Arthur Weasley said in a somber tone. He knew what he was about to hear would rock him to his core.

As soon as Ron had arrived, Draco pulled Hermione out onto the dance floor. He wanted her nowhere near the Weasel. She didn't want to be anywhere near him either. She had once considered Ron one of her very best friends. They had been through so much together. They'd fought a war together. He had ruined all of that though. She was done. She noticed Harry looked done as well. She noticed him sitting awkwardly to one side of Mrs. Weasley. Hermione looked around and wondered where Ginny had disappeared to.

It was at that exact moment that Arthur Weasley stormed across the dance floor, directly toward the table where his wife and youngest son were sat. Hermione had never seen the Weasley patriarch looking so furious in her life. Her eyes then met with Ginny's and then then twins as they followed their father. He knew. They'd told him.

"Get up." A red faced Arthur commanded as he stopped directly in front of Ron.

"Arthur?" A confused Molly asked, "What's going on dear?"

"I. Said. Get. Up."

Ron stood slowly from his chair.

"We're leaving," Arthur said, leaving no room for argument.

Molly looked confused, but trusted her husband, and knew she'd find out soon what had happened to make him this furious. Arthur turned to the twins and Ginny. "You should stay. Have fun. Make sure she has fun," he said quietly as he nods in Hermione's direction.

Hermione could only see the exchange from where she was on the dance floor, she could not hear any words. She watched as Arthur grabbed his youngest son's arm and hauled him out of the Great Hall. Her eyes met with Draco's concerned stare. "What do you think will happen to him?" She asked.

"Less than he deserves Love," Draco answered softly before leaning down and kissing her on the forehead. His arms tightened around her.

They joined Harry, Ginny and the twins at the table a moment later, and Ginny explained what had happened. Hermione was conflicted about the truth being out, but in the end she decided that Ron made his bed. She was not going to let it ruin her night.

They spent the remainder of the night dancing, drinking, and having a blast with all of their friends and family. The twins left part way through the night, telling them all to be sure to come by their new store location in Hogsmeade soon. They each gave Hermione an extra long hug and told her that she was family, no matter what, which of course made her tear up.

By the time the band stopped playing, Hermione could barely feel her feet, and was feeling rather loopy from all of the alcohol. "Let's get you to bed," Draco said with a smile as his arm snaked around her waist.

"Oh? And what will you do when you get me there?" Hermione asked with a smirk.

"I'm sure I can think of something," Draco returned her smirk.

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