Chapter 31

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Draco made his way to the Infirmary and wasted no time in informing Madam Pomfrey that Hermione had been hit with a bombarda maxima. From what he could tell from his arial view when it happened, Pansy wasn't that far away. It was fairly point blank.

The healing witch was horrified, "Well, that explains the broken ribs and concussion then. I've given her something for the pain, and I administered a healing draught that should speed up the healing of her bones. The head injury, so soon after taking that nasty bump, that's a little trickier."

"Will she be okay?" Draco asked as he gripped Hermione's hand.

"We'll know more in a few hours," Madam Pomfrey replied somberly, "I'm sorry. I wish I could tell you more. I've done what I can, right now it's up to her."

"She'll be okay. She's strong. She's a fighter," Harry's voice came from the entrance to the Infirmary.

Draco looked up to see Harry and Ginny approaching them. He gave them a nod before returning his gaze to the unconscious brunette. She knew Harry was right. His girl was strong. She was the bravest and strongest witch he knew, but now she looked so small, fragile, and pale. Dark bruises had bloomed across her chest and arms where she'd been struck by the blast.

"Here, at least sit if you're going to be here all night," Madam Pomfrey brought over a chair for Draco and then gestured to where there were more.

"Thank you," Draco said quietly.

"Well, just stay off the bed this time because of her broken ribs," the healing witch warned.

The three settled down next to the still sleeping Hermione, Draco still holding her hand. He sent up a silent prayer that she'd awaken soon. "McGonagall sent for the Aurors. They're holding Pansy until they get here. With all that happened, and her confession, I think they'll probably arrest her," Harry said.

"Good. I wish I could say that her behavior is shocking to me, but unfortunately it's not. She's always been manipulative, cruel and vindictive. She should pay for her actions. What about Lavender?" Draco asked, just then remembering the blonde accomplice.

"She's being arrested to, for her part in plotting Hermione's murder. She didn't know that Pansy planned to frame Ron and toss him off the tower too, making it look like murder/suicide. After you left she was screeching at the top of her lungs about what Pansy planned to do to her 'Won-Won'." Harry said.

"That's good. Thank you for your help. If we'd been even a minute later..." Draco can't even say the words, so he just leaves off the rest of the sentence, "I know we have a lot of bad blood in our past, but I hope to move past all of that as we look to the future. Do you think that's possible?"

Harry looks at Draco intently for a moment before answering, "Yeah mate. I think that's possible. You keep loving Hermione like you do, and treat her right, and I think we can leave the past in the past."

Draco gives Harry a nod and a sad smile. He looks back to the still unconscious brunette laying in the bed. His thumb starts making small soothing circles over the back of her hand. The adrenaline from the last hour is now leaving him, and it's really hitting him how close he was to losing the most important person in his life.

"We're all here Hermione. We love you. Please come back to us baby," Draco said as he kissed her hand.

Five days later, Draco sat in the same chair that he'd been living in. He'd only left her side for quick bathroom breaks and the day prior Ginny had insisted he needed a shower. Other than that, he's not wanted to leave her side. Madam Pomfrey didn't know why she wasn't waking up. The head injury had been significant, but with the potions she had administered, the broken bones were completely healed within the first day.

Harry and Ginny were on their way back to the Infirmary on the sixth morning following the incident on the Astronomy tower. They were holding hands and chatting when they heard shouting. They both looked at each other and then began running when they recognized the voices.

"There is no way I'm letting you anywhere near her. Get the fuck out of here!" Draco shouted.

"You can't keep me away from her. She's my friend. She was my girlfriend. You can't stop me from seeing her," Ron shouted back.

"You tried to rape her!"

"That's not..." Ron started.

"Don't even fucking deny it. She was trying to escape and was begging you to stop, and you didn't. If we hadn't shown up, what would have happened Ron? Huh? Tell me! You had her pushed up against the wall with your cock out. What exactly was your plan there? Don't fucking tell me you weren't going to rape her." Draco shouted. His face was red with anger, and he had his wand clutched tightly in his hand and it was pointed straight at Ron. "Get the fuck out of here."

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