Chapter 22

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Three days went by, and Ron had not shown up for any meals in the Great Hall. He'd also not shown for any classes that he had shared with Hermione. She'd heard he had been going to his other classes, but she'd not seen him at all. She was fine with that. She still didn't know how it would go when she finally did see him.

Draco had made true his word, and she'd been accompanied everywhere she went. Usually, it was he himself that walked her to classes or meals, but if he was unable to, then she was with Theo or Blaise if she wasn't with Harry and Ginny. Draco trusted Potter with her, even if didn't particularly care for the Gryffindor prince. He'd wanted to tell Harry what Ron did, so that Harry would know the danger, but Hermione made him promise not to. He didn't like it, but he respected her wishes.

Other than the new rule of her never being alone, things had gone back to relative normalcy. When they were not in class or studying, she was hanging out with her friends or spending time with Draco. She hadn't forgotten about what happened, but she was able to push it to the back of her mind. Harry and Ginny knew something was up with Ron, but they were still in the dark.

Draco and Hermione had just left their Transfiguration class for the day, and were walking back to the dorm for a short break between classes. Draco's hand held hers lightly, their finger intertwined. He'd held her hand, and she'd slept in his bed each night wrapped in his arms, but he'd not tried anything more intimate since her attack. He wanted to be sure she was truly okay first.

He looked over at her as they walked and saw her smiling at him. He was blown away by her strength. She'd been through so much in her young life, and yet here she was walking next to him, holding his hand and smiling. He was in awe of his pretty little witch. It was the reminder he needed that she was not made of the same stuff as most witches. She was Hermione Fucking Granger. She didn't need to be treated like glass.

Suddenly he led them down a side hallway, and away from the crowds of students and professors. Hermione looked at him questioningly, but remained silent. She trusted Draco. He pulled her into a dark room, and said Lumos. Light flared from his wand, illuminating their surroundings, which was a broom cupboard.

Hermione looked around them and then back at Draco with confusion apparent in her expression. "I needed to be alone with you. I hope this is okay," Draco explained as he pulled her to him and wrapped her in his arms.

"Of course," Hermione responded as she buried her face in his chest and took in a deep breath.

Draco's hand tilted her chin up to look at him. "I hope this is okay too," he said before he leaned down and gave her a sweet kiss on her lips.

Hermione returned the kiss, and then said with a smile, "Yes. Yes it's definitely okay."

That was all Draco needed to finally give in to what he'd been wanting to do for days. His lips found hers once more, and this time he didn't stop kissing her. His tongue darted out tentatively, and she opened for him, allowing him entrance. He deepened the kiss and groaned as his hands began roaming up and down her back. "Nox," he said after a minute, plunging the closet into darkness.

He spun her around, and pulled her flush against him, her back to his front. He pulled her hair to one side and then proceeded to plant kisses up her slender throat, causing her to moan. "If I go to far, I need you to promise to tell me to stop. I promise I'll stop if you tell me to Hermione. Promise me," Draco said.

"I promise," Hermione said breathlessly.

Draco's mouth once more latched onto the tender flesh of her throat as his arms embraced her. She could feel his hardness pressing into her backside. She had a brief moment of panic, remembering the last time she was in this position, but she pushed that fear down. She would not let Ron ruin this moment between her and Draco. She breathed through it.

"Are you okay?" Draco asked, feeling her tense up.

"I'm okay. Don't stop," she said as one of her hands moved up to grip behind his neck.

Draco's hands began to move, feeling her tight little tummy through the fabric of her school uniform as he kissed and licked her throat and collar bone. Hermione melted back into him as his hands moved under the fabric of her blouse, and began to explore her soft smooth skin. His hands moved slowly upward, giving her ample time to stop him if she needed. She didn't. 

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