The Christmas Catch

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Today's the 23rd of December, everyone went out for a holiday shopping to find a perfect gift for their family, relative, love ones, including children. However, during this Christmas season of the day is quite different for y/n. She's on their way to the spot where Shay and y/n meet up for the first time.

She pulled out the phone and opened an app called Pokemon GO while walking towards their destination. Do not worry about y/n, it is an element to look directions before crossing the street! Looking around the place is packed with people, only some are hanging out and buying presents.

As y/n arrives, Shay is already there waiting. She thought about surprising him behind the pillar that he's leaning on. She approach carefully towards him, and gave a strong press on his shoulder. Y/n got his reaction, surprised and felt relief when he saw y/n.

"Jaysus lass, you gave me a good scare! Halloween is over!" He exclaimed, she laugh a little and puts two fingers up near the face. "Well, it's a nightmare before Christmas for me! That's two points!"
Shay chuckled putting his hands in the pockets, "Let's go then, yeah?"

"Sure! Let's!"

The two walked together on the path, slight cold wind hit's y/n face. "Brr!"
"Cold?" Shay asked in concern, she look back at him with a small smile. "Yes! But I will be alright~" giving Shay an assurance, he smiled and continue to walk. The two talk for almost an hour and didn't notice the pathway is becoming not so empty.

It's only just the two of them but they're having a fun day on each other. They saw a cafe as they pass through and y/n pointed "Wanna grab a coffee or milktea? " she asked. "Yeah, I'm dying of thirst right now" Shay joked. He opened the door for y/n and the cafe looked cozy for people who are quiet and social!

They took a seat while Shay is ordering drinks. Y/n pulled out the phone and continued playing Pokemon Go as she waited. A lot of Pokemon popped out and included the shiny (fave name of your Pokemon) is located near the cafe. Excited to catch the pokemon, Shay loves to see Y/n got giddy over the phone.

What she never knew is that Shay got something for y/n but it will be a surprise later on. Shay was able to retrieve the drinks that he and y/n liked. When he return to the table, all of a sudden y/n slumped on her seat and the phone is face down. A huge sigh from her mouth, it look like it turned 100 to 10.

Shay puts down the drinks and sat. "What happened Lass? You were happy earlier and now you become glum." In concern, y/n explained and he gave a slight sad look. "Oh didnt know that's your favorite Pokemon, y/n. How long did you wait for the event in that app?" He asked. "Around Dec 1, looks like I have to wait next year, I suppose." Y/n voice sounded disappointed but not to amount.

She took a sip of her drink and helped a little bit. Only she couldn't get (fave Pokemon) and almost lost all 15 pokeballs she had in the inventory. Before anything went down Shay had one last thing to do for y/n. He stood up and rush to the door, opening it midway and looked at y/n.

"You comin' lass?" Y/n raise their eyebrow "Where are we going?"

Shay smirk playfully, "You'll see, follow me then~" Y/n grabbed their drinks and followed Shay outside. It didn't take long up to a park where there's few people hanging out. Y/n, however, hasn't seen this area yet. Shay beckons over from the bench, she walk to him and both sat beside together.

Somewhat it feels nice for y/n as she drinks. Shay turns to y/n and points at the pocket. "Check your app~"

"Huh? Which one?"

"Pokemon Go." He said. Y/n is confused and ask him, "Why? Is there something you did to the app?" It got her curious yet wasn't sure what would Shay do to it. He shakes his head and doesn't want to sound guilty. "No no no! Not that lass! " He chuckled, "Check your trading screen. "

Y/n immediately opened the Pokemon Go app, she tapped the trading icon when she saw Shay's profile asking for a trade with y/n. She pressed the yes button and the eyes lit up when she saw (fave shiny Pokemon) in the collection. She looked at Shay with disbelief yet shock, "HOW?!! How did you get it?"

"What can I say, I make my own luck!" Using his usual line at y/n. She shove him for being silly. She's still in shock and fixated to the character, Shay explained how he got it. "You were in the event and you never tell me?!" Y/n exclaimed and hits Shay by the shoulder.

"Ow! I'm sorry! Thought it would be adorable to see your reaction. I-I meant in a silly way~" his words stuttered at the end, for y/n find it hard to believe. Pouting to the side away from Shay. It's funny for him to see y/n went all 'dont talk to me, me angy' vibe, he apologies shortly. "I didn't mean to keep it hidden from you, y/n. I'm sorry"

He reaches to his pocket and on his palm is a small (fave color) box, y/n look over and sees it from his hand. "What is it?" She asked. "Take it Lass, it's for you!" Shay said with a smile, y/n didn't know he has a gift and felt bad for not getting for Shay in return. She takes it from his hand and opens it. The reaction was not even close from earlier, she gasps with tension of inhaling while looking at Shay and at the present at the same time.

What y/n received is a limited edition of Pokemon Go ring, she take in until she choked on her own spit. Shay laughed and helped y/n breath again before she even speak. "I'll- I'll make it up to you, but Shay- you shouldn't have!" Y/n was about to cry and he couldn't help but smile more.

"You kept staring at it by the window during our hangout and everytime we pass by to that shop, can't help but thinking about you and how you love that ring very much."

Y/n began to blush on how Shay remembers the ring she adore dearly since the time it announce online. "Shay, I- I don't know what to say." "May I?" As he asks for the ring. She gave it back then Shay reaches for y/n's hand and carefully puts the ring through the finger. Y/n couldn't help but looked at it for how many times.

Then she realize it quickly what Shay did. "I-" she felt the heart hammering. He chuckled, looking at y/n with a soft gaze. "I've been waiting for this moment to tell you, but I was afraid on your reaction. " He said. Y/n quickly looked at him with a tint of blush "No! Don't say that! I- was ready for this, "

She covered their face shying away their reaction, Shay couldn't help again laugh and hugged Y/n because of their adorable answer to him. "Does this means I got the Christmas Catch?" Y/n carefully putting down their hands, taking a deep breath and smiled widely at him.


"And Merry Christmas Y/n!"

"Merry Christmas Shay!"


Made this Christmas One-shot for a friend of mine name AmericanPi and love Shay very much, so I thought of making this as a modern day storyline with a hint of pokemon in it! Hope you like it and (Belated) Merry Christmas! :3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2022 ⏰

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