The New Jacob

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When it comes to anger management, Jacob is the only uh- the most spoiled brat you'll ever meet! We know he's a brother to Evie and most likely the brute version of her than being stealthy. He came around at the homestead since we got here, he began to complain about the weather and he couldn't stand the cold here. And had our first argument slash fight, Before we could go to Jacob's situation:

We begin to search for my things like my phone hoping it was there, we stayed at the Davenport Manor and yes Shay was a bit uncomfortable. You know, sad past. So the gang and I stayed for a while for the time being. I finally get to see the homestead, walking around without anyone with me. They told me to come back before dark I don't know why.

I met one of Connor's neighbors like Myriam and Norris. They're the first ones to noticed that I'm new here, Myriam approach me and asked: "You new here?"

"Yes, I'm (y/n) (l/n), just call me (n/n)," I told them.

"Quite a new face we have here. Were you picked up Connor on the way?" Norris asked he's french, a Quebecois I believe?"

"Yes, I came along with him and his friends. Now we're staying over at the manor,"

"Ah, and where are you going?"

"Walking around."

Then Myriam gave a worried look on me.
"You should be careful, poachers have increasingly difficult to handle these days," she said. I'm having second thoughts about it but I wanted to explore more, "Don't worry, I'll be careful." I walk pass-through them, "Mademoiselle, Be safe!" Said Norris. I waved them behind me, they continue to walk on their way.

I went to the nearby small plateau where I can see the whole homestead. I sat there gazing at the place. It was quiet, peaceful, smoke coming out of the chimneys, the wind hits my face and it feels nice. When will my place get this peaceful and clean, speaking of my home I wonder how long have I left the house? We'll never know. Feels like I'm in a void, escaping from reality and this place is my reality now. I noticed the sky is becoming less brighter than before, I quickly stand up and started walking down the slope. The forest actually covered the sky making it darker than where I was, the tension grew onto me and walking even faster.

Finally, I'm at the manor. I turned around- no one has followed me my instincts become more efficient to me, I felt relief but not anymore. The place seems to be dark and I just realized I was too busy gazing and appreciating at the homestead for too long, the sky is dark. And it's night time.

And this is where the situation happened.

I went inside the house closing the door quietly and I thought- I THOUGHT nobody was home, and I expected someone will be at the front door waiting for me but no. As soon as I stepped on the wooden floor, a voice came out and said: "And where have you been, young lady?"

It sounded like those dads or moms crossing their arms because of their kids' curfew. Well it's different, I look up and it was Jacob standing there crossing arms and I can see his finger tapping on the side. He doesn't look very happy, he looked- strict. My heart is pounding and I started to move away from him "Uh-- I have to go up," I said, trying to avoid the lecture.

"You are not going anywhere until you tell me, why are you late." He huffed, sternly looking at me. "I kind of- appreciating the homestead at the far side of the forest," I admittedly told him putting up a nervous smile.

"First, we told you to come back before dark which you did right now, second- never go to the forest because there are poachers around --- and yet you broke two of them!" Jacob raised his voice making me flinched and this wasn't the first time I hear him yelling, he usually shouts at the others but never to me.

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