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A/n: Okay, I just had a crazy dream and literally my brain is telling me like: " Hey since you've been a good person why not I give you a dream of Assassin's Creed with Connor and Jacob in it. " am like- okay! And might as well write it here, I still remember some details~

This is a Connor x 'Fem' Reader x Jacob oneshot, weird trio however Connor and Jacob are my favorite characters but nothing bad about having a game crash on them :3 There will be confusion at some point because- it's a dream,

Warning: Curse words, Enjoy~

Art cover by me :)


I wake up in a dark place, a pretty cliche thing to be in this situation. Did I saw my reflection on a puddle? I regain my strength to stand up but I staggered a little as I look for a way out. I move quickly to find it, as I was walking at a fast pace- I glance at a weird person in a clear box, it's a size of a movie theater but it's a box shape. I'm so confused. I continue to move, suddenly my body felt like I want to run- it did. I run and run and run.

I have no idea what's going on, suddenly my clothes changed from Modern to- a costume that has a hood, then my surroundings change as well. The floor lit up with white lines separating each shape like tiles, the walls move farther away and the ebony evolves into weird-shaped buildings. I ran faster this time- my body couldn't stop running. It's like a loading screen on a game I recognize, the light flashes before my eyes. Until-


"Ow..." I landed on the ground, I see dirt. I hear footsteps coming towards me, "Are you alright?" A voice in a concerned tone, I look up to recognize a native man squatted down in front of me. I can feel my heart raced up high, I don't know what to say. The other one appeared behind him, laughing at me. " Did you just trip over a root?" He said. A root? I look behind me to see my foot laying on the root itself. "Oh." With my mouth gape half-open, " Need a hand?" The man in front of me reach his hand to me, my instant reflex refused to take it. " No no no! I can get up myself, "

I stood up and fixed my clothes removing the dirt on my pants, the other man approaches me- only to learn I also recognize this man as well. A smirk appeared on his mouth, " Why refuse his help? Isn't he, your- Prince Charming?" He said teasingly, the man stands up and got a little annoy from his comment. " Stop that, "

" I'm only joking. " The man chortled while his native friend shakes his head, I look around to see where we are. I turn around to see a long road, wilderness surrounded the area, " I'm not crazy, am I? " I mumbled. I flinched a little when someone speaks up behind me, " Is everything okay?" I took a side glance at the tall man before I face them both, " Could you two recall anything that I did earlier or before I trip over?" The question seems to be confusing for them, they thought I just lost memory for a second.

" How on earth did you lose track? You clearly spaced out while we're moving towards our destination, " The British man stated. You are still baffled, " Do you still remember us?" He added, making his tall comrade stopping him for putting in more complications. " Will you cut that out?"

" I'm just making sure-"

" You only make her think stupid from your question, Tophat!"

" You didn't just call me that!"

" I have reasons to call you, " His tall friend crossed his arms. He looked at me and sighs. " Fine, do you still know our names?"

I nodded " You're Connor and Jacob, "

Jacob chimed. " See? It's simple to ask, " Connor roll his eyes, "Yes, I can see that. " I wonder if these two really didn't get along very well. After their short bickering, Connor approach to me. " I apologize for all the trouble, " I shrugged. " That's alright, we should keep moving. " I told him, he nods in agreement. The three of us start moving on the road, not quite long but we're able to get there in time.

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