Tsum Tsum (One Shot) Part 1

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No one's POV

The night was quiet, moonlight gleams all over the city. Each building hovers the streets, shadows emerged, lamp posts lits every corner and sides. The logo of Abstergo industries lits upon on the top of their building knowing the world that they would achieve the goal, a goal that sets their purpose.

Purpose, to conquer every part of the world. Thinking that the assassins would fall again, after decades of defeat. This day, they found peculiar objects located in Japan, Akihabara. Hidden beneath of the city, these objects are round and stack on each other. They never know what it is and delivered overseas, now those objects are now in the hands of the templars who worked in the abstergo industries.

They examined it but nothing really happened, they don't know if it's part of pieces of Eden or a hoax? Of course, Japan has a lot of things but why would they showed this, they asked. A cube-like briefcase that's filled with white round objects stacked on, like toys. As everyone left the building and only guards patrolling and scanning around the building where no one would come in and out.

Suddenly the briefcase lit up the objects started to move one by one. Little eyes opened like a newborn child, soon they found each other. Playing, fighting, teasing, and other interactions. Soon, one of them looks out from the window, like a child. Astonished to the bright beauty of the city, all of them look out until someone was about to come in and all of them went back to the briefcase and act like small toys.

A person was confused at first, thinking it was just his own imagination.

"Huh, I thought I saw a bright light earlier." Said the person, then a familiar voice who came to tell him in a hurry.

"Hey, make sure that briefcase was sent to our client. He needs that ASAP! tomorrow, got it?"

"Understood ma'am!" He nodded and the lady walked away, the person closed the briefcase and set it aside for tomorrow's delivery.

-the next day-

It's almost noon at that time the person was ordered to deliver a package, making sure no mistake would be made. Sure enough, the guy handled it and went across the road heading to the client's destination. Holding the briefcase while fast walking, the guy's phone rang he carefully reached from his pocket. The briefcase was so big he had no choice but lay it down and answered his phone.

In the middle of nowhere, so many workers walking across, going around and ran into a fast pace probably late. Another person went to the middle carrying the same look as the briefcase, however, that person is known as (y/n) a college student, 4th year just came from school called iAcademy carrying the same style as the briefcase. She got very tired from carrying and has to lay it down on the same spot where the guy is busy calling.

He didn't notice (y/n) just yet, guarding the case while on the call. (Y/n) huffed from running, "Damn, I'm already done with this project. Took me almost a month to finish this," she said. After a short rest, she carried the box and suddenly (y/n) was curious shaking the box lightly. "Huh? It was heavy at a moment and now it became lighter." She shrugged off and went home, on the guy side, he finishes his call and carried the box.

He wondered why it was heavy all of a sudden. He didn't matter and went back to abstergo, in the call there is something went bizarre when they saw on the footage from the room where all the white objects play around the room.

End of No one's POV

Your POV

'Wow, did I just got stronger or this box got lighter?' I thought. I wasn't sure, I work on this project for almost a month. It was given for us to make our own packaging, luckily I came up with a creative way to make my own toy collector box. Sounds lame but that's the only thing I did, apparently, they liked it- sort of. Got a 2.00 as a grade but that's a good score for me, I have to pass.

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