Farewell. . . Not!

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"Do you think you can transport them back home again?"

"Huh? What do you mean, (y/n)-sama?"

"I mean you have magic right?"

"I think so since you told they came from a game, am I correct?"


Long pause, Tohru glances at my friends before she looks back to me.
Her words were easily be heard from here.

"Yeah, I can do that, "

It wasn't that hard to pop a question to them, "Do you guys want to go home, already?" At first, they were dumb-founded until they realize the question I asked.

"Go home? But I thought it would impossible to take us back?" Haytham thought. I shake my head a little, "No, with Tohru's magic you guys are able to go back," I said. I thought it was a hope for before they look at me. "We thought that you're making us leave," said Bayek.

"What, no. I thought all of you are glad to hear that. I didn't make you leave immediately, it's just that all of you might be bored here and all of you are homesick or something."

They all looking dejected, they shake their heads. "No, we didn't think it's boring." Said Shay, "We may be homesick, lad. But we were able to cope with the modern era." Said, Edward gesturing his hand that everything is okay for them. I remember when one of them ask, how long will it take us to go home? I wasn't sure when. I know it will take more than a year to figure it out, but the good thing is that Tohru visited my home then there will be no problem at all.

However, they all look gloomy for a bit. Was it too suddenly? "Do you guys need to think about it?" I ask to make sure if they needed to discuss this. They nodded lightly, I understood and left them alone. While Tohru and I are outside, having a conversation randomly.

"Ne, (y/n)-sama."


"These people from your game, are they your friends?"

"Yeah, but it might sound like I branded them. So, maybe they are."

"Why are you unsure about your answer?"

I sighed. "When they first came here, of course, they were skeptical about their surroundings. I taught them about everything in the modern world, like how Kobayashi did the same to you."

"Oh yeah! I kinda relate to that."

"However, it might be too much for them if they stay here too long. . . the fact they are- fictional characters in the game."

The wind hits my face, taking a long pause before we speak.

"But, do you consider them as your other family?" Tohru asked. I looked at her, smiling.

"Yeah, they are my family. Aside from them wooing for me, like all the men."

"Eh- are you serious?"

"Sounds crazy, it seems like I'm in the reverse harem situation."

We both laugh for a moment. We stopped and Tohru looked at me with her smile on her face.

"Glad you found another family to take care of,"

I nodded. "Yeah, but I will miss them if they decided to go home right now."

"Will you miss them?"

Long silence.

"Very much."

We stare at each other, grinning.

I was going to add up something until we heard a door opened and we saw Jacob coming out, beckoning Tohru to come over.

"I'll stay out of here, need some fresh air."

Both went back inside, probably planning to go back. I'm glad they are going back home until my smile faded away, the feeling of being alone again. But I have someone already, but it just doesn't feel right. I stared at the ground for a while until Logan, my cat nudges my leg. She meowed at me, saying "Cheer up, master! Everything will be okay,". I smiled at her as I reach my hand stroking her ears and head. I might not be alone after all, I have Logan, Miikun, Chewie, Remy, Tohru, and Curt even my real family and friends.

Perhaps it's time for me to let them go. It's like the feeling again when I failed thesis, a feeling of defeat and acceptance again. I heard the door opened and saw Connor, " (y/n) we need you inside." Not sure what it is, as I went back inside. All of them were looking into my direction walking towards them.

"So, have you decided yet?" I asked.

They all nodded. "We're ready," said Arno.

Figures. I look at Tohru, "Are they?"

"Yes." She replied.

I look at them one more time, before they go. Familiar faces and iconic characters I know. "I'm glad that I met you all, in real life." I said. I can feel my teeth shaking, holding my tears. I was able to hide it well from them.

They all smiled, all of them. "We are as well glad meeting you," said Evie. It's weird they didn't insist hug for a goodbye, I guess I have to understand that. "Anything else you want to say before we leave?" Edward asked. I thought about it what to say, all I can say is: "Do remember me, when you go back,".

They grin. " We will, always." Said Altair. I nod, and gesture Tohru to begin her magic. She casts her magic circle surrounding them, to finally they can go home. However, the light of Tohru's magic is so powerful it shines brighter than the sun. I covered with my arm, blocking the light. It gleams too much and I closed my eyes hoping nothing happened to me. Until silence came by, all I hear is wind. Wait, wind?

I uncover myself and I see leaves, trees and. . . ocean? Hold on, something's not right. I look around, I'm not in my house anymore. I see the ocean, and a familiar ship was docked by the coast of . . . Nassau? CHOTTO MATTE! (Wait a minute) I was shooked to see this place but why am I here? I backed away a bit and I bumped into someone behind me. I looked around and it's Edward, grinning at me. I puffed my cheeks with anger, closing my eyes and curving my lips. Clenching both of my hands, I could feel the steam coming out of my head.

"Uh. . . (y/n) you alright, lad?" Edward asked. I took a deep breath before I yell it out: "WHY DID YOU RUINED SUCH MOMENT WHERE ALL OF YOU SUPPOSED TO GO HOME?!".

Suddenly there's movement behind the bushes until someone comes out and shows themselves. " Damn, lass. Your voice can hear from afar," Shay's here? In the pirate era?

"I think my ears almost bleed from your shouting," Haytham digging his left pinky while emerging from the bushes. I was surprised these two are here, but where's Connor. Before anything else, I run towards behind Edward kicking him, pulling Shay's Ponytail and Pulling Haytham's cape throwing him back to the bushes again.

"Why did you do that for?" Edward exclaimed rubbing his thighs behind. I pointed at them, "that's what you get for ruining such a beautiful moment, A MOMENT, GODDAMIT!" I shouted.

"Why did you bring me along with you? All of you were supposed- you know what I'm done." I raised both of my hands in defeat and sat down on a middle-sized rock. I was supposed to sit on it until the soil brings me down on a small hill, sliding away from the spot.

They followed me all the way down, as I reach down there. I see a huge figure hovering above my head, and I see a native man blocking the sun in front of my face.

"You alright?" Connor asked he looked concern but my expression doesn't change the fact that one of them brought me here either with or without a reason. I'm going to do judo move whoever made this idea.

"By the way, you should thank Ezio for telling Tohru to transport you here with us." Said Connor. The truth has been told.


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