Their Encounter Part 3

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Previously on their Encounter. . .

Jacob, Arno, and I just discovered Florence or Firenze. We also met a famous in history named Leonardo Da Vinci on the way, went to his workshop to meet his close friend, Ezio Auditore da Firenze. The mentor, the nobleman of the Auditore family. Now the Euro boys are complete! Now I have a situation that I can't exactly remember how I got here, aside from falling from the sky. Now, the Euro boys insisted to help me figure out how I actually get to this place. A lot of questions in mind as well.

Part 3: Drawing Existential Crisis!

Leonardo or should I call him, Leo manage to let us stay in his workshop. He's nice to have a company like us, especially me. I didn't know he has bedrooms too, only for guests but he said the bedrooms are exceptional. I got my own room, instead of sharing with the guys, since I'm the only girl in the group.

I sit down on the small couch, taking off my shoes and setting aside near the bed. I planked myself on it, the cushions are so soft and fluffy. I sighed, thinking about what's going to happen after. I turn myself around, putting both of my hands behind my head. Looking at the ceiling, hearing footsteps from above. Probably they're still pacing around, talking about the situation that is been going on.

I looked around the room, simple, and cozy. Study table, small couch, table, chair, and a bed. I noticed that I'm still wearing my modern clothes, I wonder if this room has any closet. None, I even surveyed carefully, I don't mind about people talking about how I wear but I remember Leo told me something.

Leo:" Not all are intrigue where you came from, they think you're a witch or a sorcerer."

Sighs, there's no hope for me to find any clothes in this century. I turn to my left something caught my eye, a small door. Not sure what is, it has a small knob. I opened and there are clothes and boots! I thank the miracle for this gift~ Until I discovered that the clothes don't look like it's from this century but I'm glad I have something to wear.

I unfold the wardrobe and a piece of paper fell on the blanket. I pick it up to read it and it says:

"I'm glad you found this! You have sharp eyes, I made this from a tailor nearby, I hope you love it~ And I was the one who designed this!


Leonardo da Vinci."

Come to think of it, I do love the design, I simply cannot wait for me to try it on, although it looks pretty good. I put on the table so it won't wriggle lines on the outfit. I went back to bed, covering myself with a white comfy blanket. My eyes slowly close themselves until I fall asleep real quick.

Meanwhile in the Euro boys' room. . .

Ezio's POV

I wasn't sure that I am sharing rooms with the other two, but (y/n) that she has her own room. Leonardo is quite a nice person letting us stay in his home. The room is average, fit enough for three people. For now, Arno the French Assassin and Jacob The British Assassin, talking for almost two hours. The candlelight gleams on the table between my bed and Arno's.

My arms were folded across my chest, chin supported on my hand. Leaning against the wall, watching these two banterings on each other.

"We still haven't done with the challenge, Frenchie, " said Jacob.

"Well, aren't you a charmer, Tophat, " sass Arno. This argument can't take us anywhere from the problem.

"Alright, you two!" I interrupted them, they stopped once I caught their attention.

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