the night we met

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    the streets of LA are filled with cars honking, people talking, laughing and/or yelling, and the occasional smells of alcohol and weed. waiting in line in the warm Californian air already made it feel like you were inside the humid venue, as you are already "buddy buddy" with the person in front of you.

the line is moving excruciatingly slow, but the wait is worth it in the end. people we didn't know would strike up a conversation with my friends about the bands and other concerts they've been to, sharing all their crazy stories.

the sun was starting to set, it's pale color trying to add light to the already dull world. i can't wait for the day I'm finally able to see the colors of the sunset, i've heard so many stories explaining how beautiful it actually is compared to the dull, sad grey version. i watch the cars honk as the drivers inside them get frustrated at the people crossing the street as if there wasn't a stop sign there anyways.

"evie! aren't you excited? it's your first rock concert!!" my friend Jules exclaims, excitedly shaking my shoulders. she's been jumping with excitement with every word she's said since we got here. she won't stop on how she's getting to see her favorite band live tonight, even though it's literally her 3rd time seeing them.

bad omens.

I nod and that's all I had to do before she squeals and pulls me into a bone crushing hug. will and amelia just laugh at her antics.

"Jules. can't. breathe." i let out, patting her back as she continues literally squeezing the life out of me.

"oh, sorry! I'm just so excited!!" she exclaims and let's go while putting my hair back in place that she messed up.

"y'know jules, one of these days you might actually kill her", Will teases.

"please, if I'm gonna kill anyone it'll be you, you whore", she remarks back.

"if you so badly wanted to get your hands on me, all you had to do was ask," Will winks at her. "but please, be my guest."

"Will, do us all a favor and shut the fuck up." this time it was amelia who spoke between to two, putting a rather quick end to their bitch fest.

he whistles with his hands in an 'I surrender' pose, "yes ma'am."

I laugh when Jules blows the two of them a raspberry before getting back into a conversation with the group in-front of us.

the line starts moving and before I know it, they are checking our tickets and we are in the venue. Jules is quick to grab my wrist and pulls me to the front, about a row behind the barricade. Will and Amelia are quick to find and join us.

to say we were having a blast would be an understatement. bad omens is soon to be on and Will went to go get us some drinks from the bar. I'm glad to know some songs that have been played by the other bands, as I get to dance with Jules and Amelia, but when songs I didn't know came on they still made me dance with them while they screamed every word.

the bright white lights dance around the room signaling the band was soon to be on before it suddenly went black. Will had also just gotten back with our drinks. the room filled with excited screams and one of them belonged to Jules who was losing her shit as the band made their way on stage. the lights were even brighter now, I so badly wish to see the colors that shine down on the room.

Jules downs her drink, hands it to me before she starts jumping up and down with excitement, just as the first song plays. she even made Amelia spill her drink, while trying to get her to jump with her. the loud music of  'glass houses' starts playing and I can't help but jump and sing along. I try to steady my drink as I dance so it doesn't spill anywhere but all my efforts go out the door when someone knocks it from my hand.

they let out a quick apology before going back to dancing. the band was really killing it, you can see the passion they hold for music through the way they play and present themselves on stage. soon the song ends and a new starts, one I don't know the lyrics of. 'Limits.' instead on jumping around, I take the time to take in everything while still slightly dancing. I watch my friends dance with huge smiles on their faces and it puts an even bigger smile on my face.

I look back at the stage and take notice of the lead singer this time. the smile on his face as he performs. he's currently crouched down in front of me on the platform, looking off to the left. it gets to point where there's a break in the song and he drops the mic down and surveys the room. slowly his eyes cross with mine and everything suddenly changes.

my breath caught in my throat as the room around me suddenly wasn't loud anymore. it was just us. no music, no band and no room full of people.

my eyes hold his. I watch as a beautiful smile makes its way to his face.

everything suddenly comes back once he brings the mic back up to his lips.

'Well, everyone's listening
And they know the difference
You're not failing our senses
But you're pushing my limits.'

he winks at me as he stands back up to finish the song. I watch him astonished before my eyes catch sight of the lights.


holy shit.

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