chill day

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the paint brush moves across the canvas in an extraordinarily swift movement. music invades my ears through the black beats that take place on top of my head. each stroke of the brush carries an exciting color, waves resembled in a woman's eyes as she's trapped in an hourglass.

the sun is at its peak in the sky shining down on me while I sit out back. the outside was quiet, all I could hear was my music and the faint hum that left my lips.

it was just me, the sun, my music and my paint.

the boys were all inside, most likely messing around in the studio or gaming. I've been sat out here for 2 hours so far continuously painting, occasionally getting up if I needed water or to use the bathroom.

the boys constantly find themselves in the studio, practicing spending entire days in the one room. they have been working on music non stop or just anything band related.

Noah and Jolly would usually be on video calls with Nick and Folio, talking and playing games, maybe even showing them songs. they really do constantly keep themselves busy, which is good when being stuck in a house for who knows how long.

my graduation is slowly coming around the corner, just a few weeks away. the final exams are kicking my ass, not only do I have to take a long ass exam for my art history class but I'm also required to paint an original painting using 5 different artists styles that I've studied. all, of course so very different, none of the same. you have to make it look like each artist painted it themselves or that it would be something they would paint which is extremely difficult when every artist is so uniquely different.

I let out a huff, louder than I think and put the paint brush down in the water cup. I wipe the sweat off my forehead and practically chug the remainder of my water. I'm in a white loose fit muscle tee with a black bralette underneath and black spandex. sweat clings to my body as the sun scolds my skin, even with the little to no clothing.

I take my now empty bottle and get up to head inside and fill it back up. fit for a king by pierce the veil rings through the headphones and I softly sing the words, going quiet when I notice the boys in the kitchen. I stand with my back facing them, filling up my water when I feel a hand on my lower back. figuring it to be Noah as he also plants a kiss on my head before grabbing a drink form the fridge. not exactly in the mood to talk I screw the lid back on and walk back outside.

currently, I want to punch the canvas and just say fuck you to college, but I need this degree. I take a huge gulp of water before starting on the painting once more.

If you were to look at the painting, it'd look like I'm nearly finished, but to be completely honest I keep going back and changing something or fixing it which just makes it more of an elongated process. meaning that I'm nowhere near done.

the sky slowly gets darker, it only being 6pm. my skins covered in different hues of paint, as well as my clothes, no doubt it's in my hair.

I add in the last detail for today and begin to clean up. packing all the paint and paint brushes up in a bag, I throw it over my shoulder and start grabbing trash, the cup of paint water, my water bottle and the canvas on the easel.

I open the back door setting the painting next to the door inside, close the door and walk to the kitchen to clean the paint cup. the boys were no longer in the kitchen, but in the living room watching a show. I quietly make my way up the stairs with my stuff, walking into Noah's room almost tripping over a fake skeleton that is laying on the ground.

I grab clothes and take a shower, violently scrubbing off the sweat and paint that clings to my skin. I get dressed, following it with my nightly routine then once more, heading downstairs.

I take the spot next to Noah on the couch and curl into his body, he instantly wraps his arm around my shoulder, kissing my head. a gesture that make me feel whole inside.

the couch is occupied by me, Noah, Jolly and Jesse; leaving Orie and Mike in their respective rooms. the walking dead plays loudly through the living room, lights are off only allowing the glow of the Tv.

a calm comforting silence from everyone puts a small smile on my face, allowing me to cuddle deeper into Noah's side and slowly falling into a well needed sleep.

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