meeting the band

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we shortly make it to his house, he mentioned during the car ride that one of his band members, jolly, lives here as well. but he was already at the venue.

he turns the car off, gets out of the car and jogs to my side to let me out.

"thank you." I say taking his hand he offered.

"you don't need to thank me, I'm happy to do it." he shut the car door and leads me to the front door. he unlocks it before opening it, gesturing me to walk in.

I step in and look around as he closes the door. "welcome to my humble abode." he says.

"it's really nice, kinda has the same vibe as my apartment."

"yeah, would you like a water or something? we have some soda, white claws and bubly." he asks, opening the fridge in the kitchen.

"a water will be fine," he hands me a water bottle. "thank you."

"of course." he nods opening himself a can of raspberry bubly.

I go to speak but hear tapping on the hard wood floors, I turn around and see a black dog heading in my direction.

the dog sniffs me and starts wagging it's tail.

"that's Harper." Noah says her name.

"hey Harper, you're so cute." I say crouching down and petting her, she seems to really love the attention as she nearly knocks me over trying to get as close to me as possible.

"oh my goodness you just want some lovin don't you?" I say while petting behind her ears. Noah comes over to join me and just as he sits down, Harper immediately goes into licking mode.

she couldn't decide on who she wanted to love, she kept going back and forth between the two of us.

after another minute, Harper went to go do her own thing and Noah got up, helping me up as well. I followed him up the stairs and I'm assuming to his room, we both walked in and he picked up a bag full of stuff, along with a few other things that I didn't know of.

"do you need me to carry anything?" I ask him, trying to be helpful.

"it's okay, I got it all. no to heavy," he says with a smile. "alrighty let's get this show on the road, also wait for me to open your door." he winks at me as he walks past. I smile and blush, something I do very often since I've been around him in the past 24 hours. he still manages to open the front door and shuts it behind me. I wait for him to finish putting the stuff in the back of the car, ms offering to help but he still refuses.

he soon opens the car door for me then gets in afterwards and we start our semi long journey to the venue.


we get to the venue and Noah is quick to open my door for me before opening the back of the car, still refusing my help. he manages to leave one hand free to hold mine, occasionally letting go when opening doors.

"Noah, you don't have to open every door. You're carrying a lot right now at least let me open them."

we've only gone through 2 doors and i feel bad that he's opening every single one with everything he's holding.

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