the ending pt. 2

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"baby, why are you crying?" Noah asks when we separate from everyone else to read a other our vows.

"I'm just so happy. I love you so much!" I say wiping stray tears that fall down my face.

a smile lights up his face and he gently kisses me.

"I love you too, baby."

"are you ready?" he asks gesturing towards our vows.

I nod, "you go first." I tell him.

he nods his head and pulls out a folded piece of paper.

he unfolds it and it blank, "it's blank because I can't write any word to describe my undying love for you. there is nothing I can say that correctly compels the ideas of my love for you." he pus the paper back into his pocket and grabs my hands. "so, Maeve. my Maeve. my girl. you are the epitome of perfection in my eyes. the second I saw you in that crowd I knew I was done for, baby. your beautiful elegance and that breathtaking smile of yours is what gets through my days. I promise to nurture your dreams because through them, your soul shines. and you being happy, is all I want for you. I want to be that forever shoulder that you cry on, I want to forever be that hand you hold and I want forever be the man you love." his thumb wipes a tear from my face. "the 385 days that I didn't have you only showed me how much I truly needed you and my love only grew more and more towards you. just like my love, there's no word to describe the pain I felt that day you left, but I knew it would be worth it in the end and I was correct because here we are, married. I don't think I've ever been so in love with you than I am in this moment. this is only the start of our future and I can't wait to see where it takes us. I want everything with you. I want every memory, I want a family and mostly I want you. I promise to hold you and care for you. and I promise to love you until my very last breath."

when he finishes, I instantly pull his face to mine and give him a kiss full of all my emotion.

"I had a few things written down but I tossed them, so uh i don't know where I'm gonna start with this." I let out a small laugh and he does the same caressing my face with his thumb. "every little girl grows up wishing to meet their Prince Charming. be swept off their feet and taken to a big castle, riding off into the sunset in a carriage. who knew my Prince Charming would be in a band and who knew I'd meet him while he was performing. when I was younger I was told that my soulmate would love me unconditionally and I would find him the second I turned 16 but as I got older that hope started to fade out. and then one night, I was dragged to a concert by my friends and I found you. the most compassionate man I know. you fully stole my heart the second you hugged me for the first time. I can't even tell you what a mess I was on the inside. you bring out the best of me, you believe in me, you challenge me and you love me. there's nothing more that I could ask for. I have you and that's all I need. you're always reminding me how beautiful I am. how perfect and just how amazing I am. my love is unconditional, but I know I won't be the love of your life forever," I pause and he looks confused. I let out a breathy laugh. "we haven't been married for an hour and I already know you're going to be the best husband. you're the best soulmate I could've asked for, you were the best boyfriend, the best fiancé and now you're going to be the best husband," I pause again. "and the best dad in September 2023."

I stare at his face waiting for a reaction.

"you're -?" he doesn't finish but I know what he's saying.

"you're going to be a dad, baby." tears fall from my eyes as I see his face light up with his beautiful smile.

I'm brought into a strong but careful embrace, "I'm going to be dad!" he lets out a laugh and practically shouts.

he kisses me and rests his forehead against mine. "god I love you so much!"

"I love you too!"

"how far along?"

"the doctor said 6 weeks when I went yesterday morning."

he just continues to stare at me with a beautiful smile on his face, "we're going to have our own family, you're going be the best mom." he kisses my forehead.

"and you are going to be the best dad."



sooo how we doing??

I can't believe this book has finally come to an end. this book has been my pride and joy for the last 2 months. the amount of love I've gotten on it is just insane.

thank you to everyone who took the time out of their days to read this book whether is was just once or more than.

my heart goes to everyone who read it. truly baffling to me honestly.

to be honest, I don't know if this is where I want their story to end, so if you want a sequel then maybe we can work it out.

but again, thank you all so so so much!! seriously love you all!!

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