small talk

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    I'm in awe as I take in the colors around me. all different shades and the lights were so beautifully vibrant. the biggest smile rests on my lips once again when I realize he's watching me take the colors in.

the rest of the night I couldn't take my eyes off of him and I know he would say the same. at one point he was, once again, crouched in front of me and I got curious, so I put my hand out towards him and he held onto it as he sang to the crowd. I have never felt so empty in my life as I had in the moment he had to let go of my hand.

Jules couldn't let it go that I was holding hands with, what I learned to be his name from her screaming, Noah.

Noah. I like that name.

when the concert has finally come to an end, I take notice of him talking to one of the security guards, pointing in my direction. the man nods and walks on the stage to one of the security guards standing right in front of the barricade.

some people were rushing out, pushing past us and others just stood there and talked. soon the huge bald man is waving me over and I take notice of my friends confused looks.

"I'll explain more in a little, but I just found my soulmate!" I hurriedly say with a smile on my face. I don't even get to see their reactions as I'm helped over the barricade and around the stage to the back.

the security guard hasn't spoken at all, so I'm just nervously picking at my rings as we walk through the back halls of the venue. he's a very muscular man, stood probably at 6ft and had a shiny white bald head. he radiated intimidation. we finally come to a door and the security guard knocks and then walks off.

my eyes widen at this as he gave me absolutely no warning. the door soon swings open and I'm once again lost in a pair of brown eyes.

"hi", I softly let out with a smile.

at this I'm enclosed in a pair of arms in one of the most comforting hugs I've ever been in. I don't hesitate to hug back.

"I can't believe I'm actually finally meeting you," he softly says in my ear. "god you're beautiful."

"I can't believe it either. it's insane." I say.

after a long waited embrace, we finally part and he invites me in the room. he takes a gentle hold of my hand and walks me to the couch with him. I can't help but mindlessly trace the tattoos on his hand. after about a minute I look up, realizing that'd I'd been tracing his tattoos, and see him staring back at me with a soft smile.

his long hair is now in a low messy bun, unlike earlier when his hair was down on stage.

"sorry, I couldn't help it." I say with a soft smile.

he lets out a soft chuckle and his smile widens, "it's okay, I didn't mind."

"what's your name? I'm Noah."


I can't help the slight blush that makes it's way to my face when he smiles. it's so beautiful and contagious, I can't help but smile myself.

"if you don't mind me asking, how old are you?" I ask him.

"I don't mind at all, I'm 25. how about you?"

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