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today is the day. my graduation.

the school has a small stage set up and each family takes turns with their graduates, all families more than 6 ft apart. the families watch as their graduate(s) names get called, they walk the stage, grab their diplomas, and instead of shaking hands with the headmaster, they nod and say their applications. the families get pictures and then they are sent back to their cars to leave.

soon its my name that gets called. I hear cheering which makes me blush, making my already flushed face more red. Noah and the boys, Jules, Amelia and Will. all I need. they are my family. I steadily walk across the stage in my cap and gown with a bright smile on my face.

I grab my diploma and pose for a picture, I say thank you to the headmaster and then meet up with everyone. I'm immediately brought into a huge group hug.

"IM SO PROUD! MY BABYS GROWN UP!" Jules shouts with tears in her eyes.

"you're such a mom." I roll my eyes and laugh at her dramatics.

we all part and everyone's still obsessing over saying 'congratulations'.

"thank you all for being here. it means so much to me, I appreciate it and each of you so very much." I give them all a big smile.

"of course evie! now I can beat your ass in Mario kart more!" jolly says as he give me a noogie.

"wow! thanks lollipop, glad to know you care so much of this big accomplishment." I joke with him fixing my hair that he so greatly ruined.

we all head back to our separate cars, planning to cookout at the house to celebrate.

I'm walking side by side with Noah, holding hands when he speaks up.

"I'm so extremely proud of you! you never cease to amaze me." He pulls me into a side hug while still walking and kisses my forehead.

"thank you baby." I give him a quick kiss before hopping in the car.


music played in the backyard where all the boys were talking and grilling. Jules, Amelia and I were in the kitchen making ourselves drinks as the boys were drinking beer. I had a glass of red wine, knowing Noah would want some as well, I poured another glass. Jules and Amelia just stuck with white claws.

"I can see how good he is to you, you deserve the world E." Jules says.

"he looks at you as if you're the only one he can see and he's blind to the rest of the world. the love and amazement never leave his eyes when you're in the room or when he's talking about you. I can see he really loves you." Amelia speaks up as well.

Jules high-fives her.

"he really is so good to me, I don't know what I did to deserve him but I love him so much." I watch him out the window laughing at something Will said.

"have you talked to your mom recently?" Amelia asks.

"she called this morning, i sent her the video you took. she was so sad that she wasn't able to be there, but there's no way I'd let her drive 15 hours in the middle of a global pandemic. I don't care if they are starting to open things up, I'm not risking it on my mom, but the video made her so happy. she wouldn't stop texting me on how proud she is and how beautiful I am." I explain. "I haven't seen her in almost 3 years and it just breaks my heart that she missed my college graduation."

"I miss her too, we should go visit once everything's safe and back to "normal"." Jules suggests.

"I agree!" Amelia hold her drink up.

"me too, she'd love it." I smile and take a sip of my wine.

"so miss college graduate, what's your big plans?" Jules rests her head on her chins, already knowing the answer, but still asks if there's a new answer.

"honestly, no big plans. I just want to visit almost every art museum there is, maybe work in one, maybe even own one. I don't know, just something that feels right when it feels right," I shrug. "miss banks though graduates in December, so tell me miss lawyer, ready to fight for people?"

Amelia's always wanted to be a lawyer ever since she knew what it was. always having the need to help others no matter their backgrounds.

"dude, I can't wait! this has been my dream and I'm finally so close to reaching my goals!" she squeals.

"I'm happy for you both!" Jules says with a huge smile.

Jules never wanted to go to college, she's always wanted to do her own thing. she makes money by traveling and as well as has her own company for when she's not traveling. it's just a small jewelry store online, but the pieces are beyond beautiful.

the kitchen suddenly grows louder meaning the boys have now come in.

"Oh god! what are you three planning?" will asks as soon as he sees us.

"your downfall." Jules immediately replies, Will feigns a frown.

I shake my head and offer a glass of wine to Noah who gladly excepts it.

the night continued and everyone had a blast, it was funny watching people get wasted from only beer and then pass out 5 minutes after. Jesse and Will. everyone else was tipsy, I hadn't drunken much, just a glass of wine, Noah was on his 3rd and the girls were nearly black out drunk. Jolly stuck with a few beers as well as Mike and Orie.

we watched some movies before everyone fell asleep in the living room that was crammed full of air mattress. nobody really has the chance to go to their rooms, we all just crashed on either the couch or an air mattress.

the living room is undoubtedly crammed but I am surrounded by the people I love, so being in a crammed room with them was one of the best ways to sleep through the night.

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