feeling of content

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cheers ring out from behind us and it nearly scares me. I look over my shoulder and see the boys, Jesse, Steven, Orie, Bryan, Mike, Will, Amelia, Jules and my mom.

"you brought my mom here?" I whisper to him.

he nods his head with a big smile and I kiss him once more.

almost immediately the both of us are brought into hugs by everyone.

"CONGRATULATIONS!! I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" Jules practically shouts as she hugs me and jumps in excitement.

both girls are practically screaming.

"oh baby! I'm so happy for the both of you!" I cry in my moms arms. she smiles through happy tears as well.

the next 5 minutes are full of tears, 'congratulations', hugs and screams of excitement.


I can't stop staring at the ring on my finger, it feels so surreal.

I'm sitting in the boys room with everyone, but the boys as they are at sound check. they should be done shortly.

"I can't believe you're getting married!" Jules exclaims as she's also staring at the diamond.

"I can't believe it either!" I exclaim back.

"dude! can I be your bridesmaid?" Jesse asks.

"no! I'm her bridesmaid!" will chimes in.

"what? no guys! it's obviously me." Steven says.

I can't help but laugh at their antics.

"y'all shut the hell up! we all know I'm her bridesmaid!" Jolly enters the room.

I swear these boys.

"hey baby." Noah kisses me.

"hey, everything go good?"

"mhm." he sits next to me and takes my hand to fidget with the ring.

"how long have you had this planned?" I ask.

"since you came back. I asked your mom for her blessing that night and since then I've been looking for the perfect ring. I knew you wouldn't like anything too big so I just went with a simple gold band and a small diamond."

"it's perfect baby, thank you so much."

"of course, I love you baby."

"I love you too."

"gross!" jolly calls out.

we all just laugh.


"Steven, I have some ideas drawn out for some merch." I hand him my sketch book while we wait for people to head towards the booth in the next hour.

we finished setting up a little bit ago so now we are just chilling.

"these are sick! have you shown the boys?"

"not yet, just thought I'd show you and then show them so you could critique it."

"these are perfect Evie, they will love them! hell I'd make my own shirts with these designs just so I could wear them."

"thank you Steven universe." I give him a huge smile after using the nickname I've given him.

"how ya feeling?"

"honestly, it just feels so insane, but in the best way possible. I'm just so happy! I don't even know what words to use to describe the way I feel."

"that's understandable, but hey, congratulations again. I'm super happy for the both of you, you guys deserve each other."

"thank you. now let's make sure we have everything we need before the doors open and we are met with hoards of people."

the night was a long but good one. it's the last night of the American leg, this crowd seems to be bigger than the last.

almost immediately, we get surrounded by people asking for the OMENS hoodie. the doors opened and a line formed almost instantly.

"why don't you go out there with everyone else? I can handle the rest of this."

"the line is too long for me to leave."

"Maeve, go be with everyone! they came not just for the band but for you as well. even your moms out there."

I let out a sigh, "okay, are you sure?"

"yes I'm sure, go have fun."

I leave the booth and go to find my family. I soon spot a familiar face.

"hey guys!"

"I thought you were working the booth?" Jules questions.

"Steven kicked me out." I laugh as well as everyone else.

"hey momma, having fun?"

"absolutely! I can't wait to see my son in law perform though and the boys!!"

I smile at her excitement as we all cheer for the bands and dance, maybe sing along. my mom is too pure for this world.


it's the next day and I wake up in Noah and I's bed as he holds me close against him. auggie at my side.

"good morning." he whispers.

"good morning."

auggie wakes up with a yawn, he stretches and stares at me with his wide eyes.

"what auggie boy?"

he meows and rubs his face against mine, Noah let's out a small chuckle.

"want food?"

shouldn't have asked because now he's nonstop meowing.

"okay come on."

I walk downstairs with auggie following behind, nearly tripping me. I give him his food and I feed Harper as well. then I head back upstairs and climb back in bed.

"do you have anything planned for today?"

"nope." he replies.

"good, you're staying here." I cuddle closer to him. he chuckles in response.

"baby?" I call.


"we're getting married."

"we indeed are." he smiles.

I look up at him and give him a kiss before laying my head back on his chest and falling back asleep.

out of the grey [N. Sebastian]Where stories live. Discover now