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real quick! I know their last show was in New York! my timeline doesn't match with theirs and I don't want anyone confused! so for this story, it ends in California!


we are back in LA, for the last two shows on the US leg of the 'CONCRETE JUNGLE TOUR.' I'm currently at my apartment packing some stuff before the show, the boys recently asked me to move in with them as they had just bought a new house not long ago. after some thought I decided it would be smarter since I'd most likely be there all the time anyways.

the boys are setting up at the venue, it's not the same one we first met at but he will be playing that one tomorrow night. the show starts at 7 so I still have 5 hours to do stuff. I clearly didn't listen to them when they told me to wait and that they'd help me pack so I didn't have to do it alone, but here I am, alone.

let's be honest, when have I ever listened to them?

music plays from the Bluetooth speaker that sits on the kitchen counter. I working on the kitchen stuff since there isn't much to pack, I wanted to leave my bedroom for last as it has the most stuff.

auggie is a perfect loaf next me watching in curiosity as I box pots and pans.

"what doin' auggie boy?" I ask looking over at him. he lets out the tiniest and most adorable squeak like meow.

"you're just too cute." he gets up and stretches before rubbing against me wanting to be picked up.

I pick him up and hold him in my arms like when cradling a baby. his wide forest green eyes stare back at me.

my phone rings and I pick it up still holding auggie.


"are you packing?"

"whaat? phss noo. why?"

"baby, you're a horrible liar."

"I know."

"well we have an hour so unlock your door please."

the call hangs up and I walk to door to unlock it and open it. instantly I'm met by the boys. Just Noah, Jolly and both Nicks.

"hey boys! I'm currently packing up the kitchen."

they walk in and head towards the kitchen.

"you got any food?" folio asks.

"uh probably stuff that expired by now."

"I'll risk it." he shrugs.

"I guess if y'all want, you can finish up the kitchen and I'll go work on my bedroom."

I get an echo of 'okays'.

"I'll come help you." Noah says.

I nod my head and walk to my room with Noah behind.

we start grabbing boxes and putting unbreakable items in the bottoms, before we wrap the fragile stuff.

"tomorrow, before the show." Noah says.


"the second thing I told you about."

"ohhh okay." I let out a soft laugh.

and for the next hour we pack before the boys have to head back to the venue.


it's now the next day, I'm getting ready to go meet Noah at the venue before the show. he never specified on what to wear so I just go for a casual concert outfit.

as usual, the boys always leave before me but I'm in a bit of a rush because I need to be there earlier today.

making sure auggie has food and water, I grab my things and head out to my car. I get to the venue fairly quickly, excited and slightly nervous to see what Noah's got planned.

I walk in through the back and head to the boys room where I usually leave my stuff.

I knock and walk in, immediately the boys stop talking and stare at the door. Noah's not in the room.

"hey guys, you good?"

"yeah, we're perfect." Nick says quickly.

I raise an eyebrow, "you sure?"

"yep, now why don't you go find Noah, he's upfront." Jolly says.

I just confusedly nod my head and walk out, heading towards the front. I walk out one of the doors that leads me to the lobby, I look to my left and see Noah sitting on the stage.

"hey." I say walking up to him.

he smiles, "hey."

"whatcha doin?" I sit next to him.

"waiting for you," he stands. "come here." he takes both my hands and helps pull me up so I'm standing in front of him.

"you were standing right there when I first saw you and when we made eye contact." he points to a spot on the left of the stage near the front.

"yeah I remember. I didn't know the song so I decided I'd look around, watching everyone have the time of their lives." I say looking at the huge venue.

it's so different looking at it from the stage.


"yeah?" I turn to look at him.

"you know I love you so much, right?"

"of course I do baby, what's up?"

that's when it happens, he reaches for his back pocket and kneels on one knee.

my eyes water as I stare in shock and my hands manage to cover my open mouth.

"I know we've only been together for 2 years, but I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with you baby. you're the person who makes me look forward to each day, you make me want to be a better me," he pauses and takes a deep breath. "I've known I wanted to marry you since the second I saw those beautiful eyes of yours. you're my everything baby and I love you and everything that comes with you. I love your big heart. I love your random art facts. I love how you get mad at the TV when they do something stupid. I love the way your mouth opens when you sleep and how you drool a little. I love absolutely everything about you and I can't wait to learn even more if you give me the honor of sharing my entire life with you. and we don't have to get married right away, we can whenever you are ready. I'll always wait for you. no matter how long, I'll wait. so please baby, will you do me the honor and will you marry me?"

tears fall from my eyes, especially seeing Noah tear up as well. words won't leave my mouth so I just vigorously nod my head and I'm instantly brought into a hug.

I'm shaking from crying. he slips the simple diamond ring onto my finger and I pull him into a kiss.

"I love you so much!" I say through tears.

"I love you too baby and I always will."

out of the grey [N. Sebastian]Where stories live. Discover now