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it's been almost 2 weeks since I met Noah, when we both aren't busy, we're usually doing something together. mainly grabbing coffee. currently I'm bundled in his bed while he's twitch streaming, scrolling through my phone on TikTok. the volumes low enough for only me to hear, but sometimes hard to hear when he yells at his computer.

soon I start to feel myself drift off to sleep, unable to fight it off.


"Mae, wake up baby."

I'm shaken awake from my accidental nap, I let out a soft groan. "I know baby, but you need to get up so I can tell you something." he lets out a soft laugh.

I start to rub my eyes before slowly opening them, to see Noah next to me. he moves some hair out my face lightly smiling down at me.

"well good evening, sleepy head."

"hi." I let out and sit up so I can be up for what he has to tell me. "what is it?"

"well as of about 30 minutes ago the US is on lockdown because of the spread of covid-19 and I just wanted to give you the choice of staying here or heading home. you are more than welcome to stay here, they say it's only for 2 weeks. if you want to stay we can go quickly and grab some of your things before everything's pretty much shut down." he explains.

"here is better than my apartment alone, but only if everyone's okay with me staying here."

"we all already talked about it while you were sleeping. Let's go get some stuff." he kisses my forehead and gets up to put shoes on and grab his key, I slowly follow behind.


we walked into my apartment and I just grabbed a duffel bag full of clothes, a pair of shoes, some light makeup, my chargers for my phone and laptop, my hygiene products, my laptop, school books and some art stuff. then we set off back to his house.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't fall back asleep once we got back, the exams from school have been draining me especially when I'm graduating soon.

I woke up the next morning with an arm tightly around my waist, knowing it was Noah, I cuddled more into him wanting to fall back asleep.

"good morning Mae," he said softly. "did you sleep good?"

"mhm, did you?" I asked but my voice was muffled by my head being nuzzled in between his neck and shoulder.

I felt him nod his head. suddenly a phone goes off making me jump slightly, I let out a huge sigh knowing someone was calling my phone. Noah grabs my phone from the side table and hands it to me.

"hello?" I groggily answer not knowing who called.

"hey girlie!" Jules says very high pitched causing me to squint my eyes for some reason.

"hey Jules, what's up?" my hand rakes through hair as I sit up, trying to fix it slightly.

"just calling to check in, I know you don't like being in your apartment alone for long periods of time."

"oh well I'm good, thank you for calling. I'm actually staying at Noah's, knowing I'd lose it in that apartment alone for 2 weeks."

out of the grey [N. Sebastian]Where stories live. Discover now