movie night

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"boys! are you ready?" I shout up the stairs.

I receive multiple 'yes' and 'almost's from everyone but orie.

"What do you mean? I haven't even started yet!"

"OREO! Just put some damn pajamas on and let's go!"

"I'm going I'm going!" he heads to the bathroom.

Noah's the first to head down and meets me in the kitchen where I'm preparing snacks and drinks. he's dressed in a pair of black sweatpants and a white T-shirt.

he hugs me from behind with chin resting on my shoulder, watching as I prepare stuff.

"what's up with you giving my friends nicknames based off of candy?" he lets out a soft laugh still holding me.

"it's not my fault that their names sound like candies! but I didn't want anyone left out." I shrug with a smile.

I finished packing foods and turned around in Noah's arms, he kissed my forehead and I held him never wanting to let go.

"I love you." he whispers.

"I love you too." I smile up at him and he smiles back.

not a second later the boys come barreling down the stairs.

the grab the bags and we split to 2 different cars so we aren't all cramped watching the movie.

me and Noah recently picked up my car, so we will be taking it and the boys in Noah's car.

the parks only about 15 minutes away, a spot me and the girls plus will would go when we wanted to talk or just hang out. it wasn't used much which made it a great spot to hold a movie.

we pull into a spot and I see Will setting up his projector, i put my mask on and jump out of the car as soon as it stops. squeals from the girls fill my ears and I'm encased in two pairs of arms.

"I missed you bitch!" Jules squeals.

"I missed her more." Amelia practically holds me tighter.

I just laugh, "I've missed you both so much!"

then we are all encased in a large pair of arms. Will.

"why didn't anyone tell me there was a hug going on?"

"cause we don't want you here." Jules says.

"ouch, you truly wound me. anyways eve, how are you? I've most definitely missed you more than these two."

"I've been good and I've missed you too, now," we pull apart. "what movie are we watching?"


"yes Jules, Noah's here." I laugh at how jumpy everyone got with her loud voice.

"I guess I should introduce everyone, come on." we walk closer towards the boys. "This is Noah, Jolly, Jesse, Orie and Mike. and then this is Will, Jules and Amelia."

they all exchange 'hello's and 'nice to meet you's.


I let out a loud laugh and shake my head, Noah pulls me into his arms which makes Jules dramatically gasp.


"oops." he sends her a cheeky smile before kissing my cheek and then goes back setting up the back of the car.

"so what movie are we watching?" I ask again.

"well it's gonna be lord of the rings because I couldn't think of anything else and thing 1 and thing 2 over here were absolutely no help at all."

I snicker at his nicknames for the girls and go to help Noah.

"Lollipop, you're with us!" I say.

he nods his head but still helps the boys set up.

In the back of my car there's heaps of blankets and pillows. Noah laid out some blankets on the floor of the car and set up some pillows to lean on. the snacks sat on the left side against the car wall in a bag.

"All done?" I ask jumping in the back and sitting down with my legs hanging out.

"Mhm." he stands between my legs and just rests his head on my shoulder while I hug him.

once everyone's settled in their cars, the movie begins and we begin to snack.

"lollipop that's mine!" I smack his hand away from my popcorn.

He huffs and goes back to watching the movie.

"here," I sigh and hold it out to him letting him enjoy the rest. I curl into Noah's side and bury myself under the blankets.


"BITCH WAKE UP!" someone shouts startling me awake.

"Jules shut the fuck up!" I try to throw a pillow at her, not exactly sure if I threw it in the right direction, but it hit someone.

they let out a small "oof" sound and I try to bury myself deeper in the mountain of blankets.

then someone sits on me and begins to hit me with a pillow.

"WAKE. THE. FUCK. UP!" after every word, a pillow to the face follows.

I can hear laughing from the others.

"okay okay, I'm up!" I groan. she stops, so I take the opportunity. grabbing a pillow without her noticing, I swing it and nail her in the head and she falls off of me.

"now that's much better." I sigh sitting up.

everyone is laughing, jolly and Jesse are crying from laughter and everyone looks like they can't breathe.

"you're no fun." Jules pouts next to me.

"oh get over it." I laugh.

everyone soon recovers, but the boys won't let go the fact that my best friend almost beat me with a pillow. we all pack up and say our goodbyes before leaving the park and heading to our homes. apparently I hit Noah with the pillow and also I had fallen asleep during the duration of 3 movies, but I know the second my head hits the pillow, I'll pass out.

and that's exactly what happens as soon as we arrive home.

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