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"hi! what merch can I get for you?" I ask the group of friends at the bad omens merch booth.

"oh my god! you're Maeve!" a girl with blue hair and a septum says excited.

"I am, how are you enjoying the concert so far?"

"it's so great! I can't wait for bad omens to come on! can I get a picture with you? you are literally so pretty!" the girl gushes.


we take a picture and then we figure out which merch items they each want. coming along on this tour I decided I'd do something and help Steven with the merch stands.

everyone has been super sweet, I love seeing the way people dress up for shows and how they express themselves. the lobby is crowded and super loud the majority of the time, but people definitely start dispersing when bad omens enter the stage.

"hey, I'm gonna go grab something from my bag real quick. I'll be right back."

Steven nods and I make my way through and door and down the hall, to bad omens's room.

I knock to make sure everyone inside is decent and make my way to my bag to grab my small sketch book and a pen.

"whatcha doin?" Noah asks from behind me.

"I just got some inspiration to sketch something so I came to grab my stuff." I send him a smile.

"I love you." he loosely wraps his arms around my waist pulling me towards him.

"I love you too, I'll watch from the booth. good luck!" I give him a kiss before saying good luck to the other boys and heading back to the merch booth.

it's been my usual way of watching the band perform, watching from the booth that is. sometimes Steven will push me to go watch in the crowd because he knows I love it, but I don't like leaving him alone to deal with so many people.

it tends to be pretty rushed as the line grows horrendously long, but once they get the merch, they go back to the floor.

once bad omens entered the stage, everyone stopped coming to our booth. completely forgetting about my sketchbook, me and Steven started playing a game of go fish.

"do you have a red ace of spades?" he asks.

"go fish, do you have a black 3 of hearts?"

he sighs handing me the card, "do you have a joker?"

I hand him my joker. there's not much excitement in this game, just something to keep us occupied, even though we tend to get distracted by the concert in front of us.


"dude I'm starving and the only place still open is McDonald's." I groan falling onto the hotel bed I share with Noah.

"there's a pub down the street, about a mile, wanna go check it out?"

"sure, should we ask the boys?"

"nah, they all went to shower and then to bed."

I get back up and grab my bad omens hoodie, slipping it over my head and then we both head out, hand in hand.

the night air was cold as we walked down the quiet streets of Atlanta.

"did you win the card game against Steven?"

I look at him slightly confused before it clicks.

"uh, yeah just a few rounds. we were playing go fish. you saw?"

"baby, you're always in my eyesight when I'm on stage. of course I saw, plus he looked irritated so I only assumed you won."

I let out a soft laugh, my breath forming a cloud of smoke.

the closer we get to the pub, the louder the area becomes.

a guy playing guitar sits outside the building as people stand and watch with beers in their hands.

inside there's a live band, people crowd the entire building.

we get seating at a table farthest away from the stage and look over our menus. Noah decides on a burger and I just go for chicken fingers.

"I'm really proud of you and the guys. y'all are incredible baby." I say before taking a sip of my water.

he looks up from his phone and grins, "thank you baby, that means a lot coming from you. I'm glad you're here, the boys especially."

"honestly it's nice, not the sleeping in a tour bus part, but everything else is nice."

he chuckles at that and nods.

soon our food comes and we eat in silence, everything from earlier starts to kick in and by the time we leave, we're practically dragging our feet behind us.

we both shower before falling asleep on the soft hotel mattress.


just a little filler chapter while I'm on break at work 🫶🏻

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