happy birthday

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here's a short filler chapter. I've been busy with work but I wanted to give y'all something. I know it's short but I hope y'all enjoy <3


"hello?" I say as I walk into my moms house. no answer.

"guys are you here?" I walk through the house. nobody.

I got to the back door and look outside to see if anyone's there, but again there's no one.

I let out a sigh and go to my room to put on something more comfortable than what I'm wearing. I grab a pair of leggings and an oversized ice nine kills hoodie.

not even my mom is home. where the hell did they go?

I go through the fridge to find something to eat, only grabbing some string cheese. I turn on TV and just start binging SpongeBob until I fall asleep. Don't know what it is about SpongeBob but you can watch so many episodes and not realize.

"evie? wake up." someone says while shaking me awake. I just groan at their effort and try to fall back asleep.

then another voice tries way too enthusiastically for me at the moment, "evie we have a surprise for you! wake up!"

again I just groan and don't open my eyes.

all of a sudden there's a huge weight on me and I'm trying to push them off. "lollipop! get off of me you pig!"

all my effort fails as he just sits with a smug look on his face, "are you gonna wake up?"

I whine before answering, "I guess so."

"you guess so or you are?"

"I am now get up you heavy loaf of bread!" I push him once more.

"close your eyes!"

"oh so you wake me up just for me to close my eyes again?" I huff.

jolly gives me a sassy look and I close my eyes. he grabs my hands and pulls me in a direction, which I assume is to the kitchen.

"what are you doing?"

"shut up you're going to ruin it!"

I roll my eyes at how dramatic he is.

"3, 2, 1! open your eyes!" jolly says as I feel him move from behind me.

my eyes take a second to adjust but once they do that's when I notice everyone standing in the kitchen behind a cake.


"make a wish baby." Noah says in-front of me.

I look at each and everyone of them with a smile on my face before I close my eyes and blow out the candles. they erupt in cheers and hug them all.

it's only mom, Noah, Jolly, Nick and Folio.

"you guys! thank you!"

"of course we had to celebrate the old lady! how old are you? 94?" folio says.

"wait I thought she just turned 100?" Nick says.

"ha ha. very funny you two." I jokingly roll my eyes at them with a smile on my face.

"where have y'all been all day?"

"shopping for stuff," momma says. "you'll see later." she winks.

arms wrap around me and a pair of lips meet my cheek.

"happy birthday princess may."

"you're still not letting that go?"

"absolutely not." he smiles.

"you're such a dork, but thank you."

"of course baby, i love you." he says.

"I love you too."


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