a good change

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the person staring back in the reflection doesn't look like the girl I once knew.

I twist the white fabric between my fingers feeling the soft silk brush against my fingertips. I watch as it moves with every breath I take. the elegance of the fabric catches my heart and i know I won't let it go.

the clean and simple look is perfect.

"oh evie, you look beautiful!" Amelia says in a slight whisper.

the smile never leaves my face as my eyes start to water. beautiful.

"that's the one?" my mom asks behind me.

I nod my head.

"you look gorgeous baby." she says wiping her own tears.

"E, you look stunning hun. absolutely breathtaking." Jules compliments.

my mom and the girls are taking in everything while I still just stare at the dress in the mirror.

it's simple. it's stunning. it's a work of art. it's me.


"hey baby, how'd it go?" Noah asks as I walk into the house.

I wrap my arms around his neck, "really good."

his arms hold me and I'm brought into a sweet and gentle kiss.

"I can't wait to marry you." he whispers with his forehead against mine.

"I can't wait either."

the feeling is surreal, to know we're getting married in a few months. the boys finished touring for a while and now instead of fully relaxing, we're planning a wedding. crazy right?

it's a change. a good change.

"you hungry? I'm cooking steak right now." Noah asks.

"sounds perfect to me." I say and give him a quick kiss before we both head to the kitchen.

"wine?" he asks.

"always." I smile.

"I was looking at houses earlier and found a really nice one, it's a bit secluded but not in the middle of nowhere. it's perfect actually." Noah mentions.

"let's go look at it." I shrug my shoulders not even knowing what it looks like, but I trust his word.

"you don't know what it looks like babe." he chuckles.

"I don't need to," I shrug taking a sip of wine that he just handed me. "I trust your word. let's go look at it."

"okay, I'll set up an appointment to look at it tomorrow, but right now you need to eat."

he hands me my plate and we both sit down to eat. everyone else is out of the house, I don't know what they are doing, only that they went somewhere.


the house is beautiful. it has a cabin like quality to it but is very bright and homey. huge windows overlooking the property, a front porch with a swing and the quiet atmosphere makes it even better.

"it's so beautiful!" I say turning in circles while looking up.

the warm and cozy aesthetic it holds within brings a welcoming flutter to my heart. it's a perfect place for the start of something new, especially the start of a family.

Noah's been quiet pretty much the entire time but I think he's just letting me voice my thoughts. he watches me take in the beauty of the home with an almost knowing smile on his face.

"what?" I ask.

"it's the one isn't it?"

I do one last look of the living room before smiling at him.

"yeah." I nod my head.

he pulls me into a hug and kisses my forehead.

"we're gonna start a family here! isn't that exciting!?"

"everything is exciting with you and I can't wait for that day."

"I love you so much!" I look up as him, a smile on my face.

"I love you too baby, let's go make this house our home."

out of the grey [N. Sebastian]Where stories live. Discover now