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With a few hours left before you had to head to work, you sat down to get some homework done

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With a few hours left before you had to head to work, you sat down to get some homework done. You went for math first; given your dislike for it, it seemed best to get it over and done with first. After sweating over the page for almost two hours, it was done. You leaned back from the table and sighed. Math was seriously the worst.

When you checked the clock, you saw that you had a little more time, so you picked up Dracula to keep pushing ahead in the text. As you were reading, you were reminded of your conversation with Eddie earlier in the week about writing letters. That seemed like a much better use of your time, so you moved from the kitchen table to your bedroom. You found a sheet of notebook paper, put in your Jefferson Airplane tape, and began to write.

My Dearest Edward- 19 October

I do so hope this letter finds you well. You've been quite negligent in returning my correspondence, and so I am afraid I must chastise you for such an egregious error. However, you shall soon find that I am a most forgiving and amiable girlfriend, though that name seems rather anarchic for our purposes here. I do hope that you have given the proper attention to your studies. I should not like to hear that you have been spent your entire day upon your guitar or other endeavor. We do indeed have reading that must be accomplished by Monday's morn. But I shall not press the matter any further darling.

When last we spoke, you were defenestrating yourself in retribution for my refusal to return your shirt. I will confess. I have no intention of returning it until I might have another in its place. What you must understand is that when you are not with me, your shirts bring me great comfort and solace. They are softer than mine own, and your aroma of leather and amber and spice remains with me long after you have alighted from my bed. If you are so determined to retrieve those I currently hold, an offering of a fresh shirt, but not so fresh as to smell more like detergent than yourself, shall be your only recourse.

Still, let us speak of far more pleasant things, such as my bed. You see, last night I could find no comfort whilst waiting for you to arrive. I found myself without rest or satisfaction until I threw off every scrap of fabric that pressed upon my too heated skin. Perhaps you alighted upon this sight? I am sad that I did not witness your face. You have the most expressive eyes darling. I can see each and every emotion you hold within them, for when you are in a state of arousal, they shine brightest. I dare say, they are effulgent. Sometimes, I even fear that flames may erupt from them they show so much heat. I did so love waking to feel you surrounding me, but my desires have been left unsatisfied.

The flames of passion continually burn away my competency. I desire nothing more than to be possessed by you, body and soul. I would gladly through myself on to the altar of your choosing to receive one more touch, one more kiss, even one more glance. You have ruined me, dear Edward. I daresay that I shall never feel such passion or devotion again. Yet my time grows short before I must depart.

Come to me again tonight, dear heart. I do not know that I will ever have enough of you, so spare me this mercy and bring yourself to me. Write soon.

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