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Eddie Munson is a free man

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Eddie Munson is a free man. Or, well, he would be if he were alive. You can't help the tears that slip down your face as you follow Hopper out of the courtroom and into his waiting car. Grey skies cover Hawkins, but this one reprieve makes you feel as though the sun were shining brighter than any other day.

Earlier in the day, a note came from the office asking you to please bring your things. When you arrived, Hopper, officially reinstated as sheriff, was waiting to take you and Lucas, who appears seconds, later to court. Chargers are being filed against Jason, and you, Lucas, and Erica need to testify. The Sinclairs were there with their children, and your mother even appeared shortly after you arrived to testify on behalf of Max.

This is the last day of hearing. The prosecutor's office wanted to minimize the impact that testifying would have on the surviving victims, so the photos of dead children, your neck, Max's body, and Lucas' face have already been shown. All that is left is for the judge, there isn't even a jury, is to hear the testimonies.

Telling your side of the story is easy enough. You have no problem telling them the terrible things that Jason did. When you mention that you tried to tell Jason you were pregnant to see if at least that could persuade him to stop, two blonde, middle-aged adults bow their heads. Ah. The Carvers. Despite the nagging suspicion that Jason learned his cruelty and religiosity from them, they have the decency to look ashamed. When they're called up to testify, they mumble through a few brief questions, but nothing comes of it.

Sitting back in the audience with your mom, you wait in anticipation for the verdict. When the judge emerges, he reads it quickly and efficiently. Jason is guilty in three murder charges and three attempted murder charges as well as inciting violence in direct disobedience to police orders. Officer Powell looks smug at that extra charge. The Carvers cry, as any good parent would for their child, but they leave the minute the gavel hits.

In the press conference afterwards, Powell confers the decision and declares that Eddie Munson is no longer wanted in connection with the murders and has been officially added to the list of victims from the earthquake. A small hand squeezes yours when you feel yourself starting to drift from the conversation. Erica Sinclair is once again making sure that you are okay, so you give her a squeeze back.

"You know, I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for you," you speak softly in her ear. "Thank you."

She smiles up at you. "No problem. We'll work on your baseball bat swinging technique this summer." You giggle at the younger girl while tears are still wet on your cheeks. Hopper reappears and offers to take you back to school, and you nod before joining him in the truck.

"So, he's officially cleared, right?" you ask him quietly and gaze up at the man who has clearly seen some shit. He nods, keeping his focus on the road.

"Yeah, the kid's clear. I'm...I'm sorry about all of this. I wish, I wish I'd been here. Might have staved off some of the crazy," he clears his throat and pats his pocket for a cigarette. Finding one he pulls it out and rolls down the window.

The Perfect Match-An Eddie Munson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now