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You had spent far too much time picking out a good outfit

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You had spent far too much time picking out a good outfit. It was just a Monday matinee, so there was no need for anything too fancy. But wearing just jeans and a sweater to a first date seemed too casual. Flopping down on your bed and letting a loud sigh out, you heard Max enter. "Need help," she asked.

"Yes please." Keeping your head buried in the pillow, you heard her moving around and sorting through what you'd already pulled out.

"Okay, I think I've got it," she pronounced triumphantly. You looked up and saw her holding your black skirt with a maroon sweater and paired it with your knee-high black boots. "It's flirty and says 'hi, I'm cute and dateable, but also fun and flirty'!"

"I love it!" you jumped up and began putting your other clothes away. "Thanks, sis!" Once you had assembled your outfit, you went to put on socks, but decided to go with stockings instead. It wasn't like you were planning for Eddie to find out about them, yet if he did, perhaps you would earn another pet name from him. Adding on makeup, not on your neck since you knew that he would like to see them peeking out, you put the finishing touches on your hair and walked out with Max to find Eddie walking over.

He had a small pumpkin in his hand, and you were confused at that. He waved and made his way over while you locked up the trailer.

"Hi," you said and smiled at him. He'd clearly washed his hair, as the curls were soft and fluffy and begging for your hands to sink into them. The jeans he wore didn't have any tears in them, and he had on a Metallica shirt that looked at least mildly new. His leather jacked and patch adorned vest finished out the look.

"Hey," he replied. You saw him looking you up and down and felt a blush creep to your cheeks.

"I'll wait in the car," Max cried out and stomped off to your car.

"I'm driving, Red," he called out without taking his eyes off of you. She huffed and went to his van before getting in. "You look like sin," he told you. You bit your lip in response.

"You look like a sinner," you quipped back before the pumpkin drew your attention. "Umm, what's with the pumpkin?"

"Oh! It's for you," he handed it to you.

"For me?"

"Well, I was going to get you flowers, but then they had the little pumpkins next to the stand, and I thought that you might like a little pumpkin better since it will last longer and –" You interrupted him with a kiss to his lips.

"You were correct. I love it!" your heart felt ready to fly away.

"Good," he smiled down at you and wrapped his arm around you. "Your chariot awaits, my lady!" He helped you up into the van and quickly made his way to the other side.

"You know you guys are puke worthy, right," Max commented.

"I got a pumpkin!" you turned around to show her the little orange creature while he was outside. She only shook her head and reached forward to change the radio station. Eddie frowned at that but didn't say anything. While he drove, you couldn't help sneaking glances of him. You wanted to touch his hair so badly, but you were pretty sure that if you did so Max might actually vomit. Keeping your hands to yourself, you went to smooth down your skirt and realized that you were sitting on the edge. Your stockings and garters were on full display for him. You shifted to adjust it and heard him sigh.

The Perfect Match-An Eddie Munson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now