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Thanksgiving actually went pretty well, all things considered

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Thanksgiving actually went pretty well, all things considered. Your mom had taken some convincing, but when you had promised to take care of all the cooking, she'd finally relented. Eddie was a bundle of nerves about the event. Wayne seemed to echo his anxieties but when he got a smile out of your mom from brining her flowers, everyone seemed to relax a bit. Max had put on her annoyed teenager face, yet when the football they were watching while you finished the gravy got particularly violent, she was appeased and downright pleasant for the rest of the meal.

Eddie had actually forced Max up to help with dishes after dinner and insisted you sit down in the kitchen, so he could continue to make turkey stuffing puns which both annoyed Max to no end and kept a smirk on her faced while she dried the dishes. Your heart felt full at the sight of your family warm and happy and together. Wayne and your mom were in deep conversation with their post-pie cigarettes, and it wasn't until both you and Max were yawning and mentioning bed that they jumped from the couch and made awkward goodbyes that sent the brows of everyone still in high school sky high.

Life settled in to a predictable pattern between work and school and spending time with Eddie and Max. Eddie was spending the night pretty much every night unless he was off dealing at parties, and he didn't want to run the risk of waking you up when he was done at the wee hours of the morning. You continued to slowly learn to play guitar and had added a whole three more Beatles' songs to your repertoire by the time Christmas break rolled around. Wednesdays you continued to tutor Dustin, who was getting his grade up but still had to be prompted to concentrate on memorizing his vocabulary, and Eddie, who was hanging on but would do absolutely anything that you told him to do. Hellfire was coming to a fantastical close since Eddie had concocted a final battle worthy of the bards.

Fall finals went relatively well for all involved. When Eddie got Cs or better in all his class, he couldn't resist running straight to your trailer to share the good news with you. Of course, you were just as elated for him, and he insisted that he take out "the best and hottest teacher he'd ever had" for a steak dinner. You'd gladly put on a nice dress and gone with him to Enzo's. Despite the expense and the fact that you were celebrating his grades, he refused to allow you to even help pay for the bill. That night, when you had him handcuffed and were sucking down his cock like it was the best popsicle you'd ever had, he let out a murmured "I love you."

You kept going, thinking that he was in his head and hadn't meant to say it or had said it on accident. But then he said it again and louder. When you let your eyes open and look up at him, he repeated it for a third time, and you couldn't resist yourself. His cock popped out of your mouth while you launched yourself up to his mouth. You'd repeated the sentiment back to him. "And I have for quite some time now," you confessed.

"How long?"

"Since November 1. When I went out to your little table in the woods? I realized it. I didn't want to say anything and overwhelm you, but-"

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