Chapter One

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To be fair, George was never a patient man.

His friends make fun of him for it, the way he would fall asleep when he was supposed to be staying up with them for the night, or how he couldn't wait for this food to come when he ordered it.

He doesn't deny it, he knows that he can get impatient.

He also knows that he isn't gonna sit around anymore, and wait for his best friend to make a move.

So, for two years he has been on and off flirting with Joseph. Every time he feels like they're getting somewhere, Joseph would walk in and say that he has a new girlfriend.

And honestly, George is sick of it. He hates the way he would get a new girlfriend almost every month, everytime he thought that Joseph would make a move on him.

Truth be told, what ticked him off to finally do something is because Joseph  has been bringing this girl over. Well, he's pretty sure that she just comes along whether Joseph wants her to or not.

George tried not to pay to much attention to her though. God he ever forgets her name sometimes.

Ella? Eleanor? Elena? Whatever the fuck her name was, he's sick of it, sick of her.

And if he's being honest, the worst part of it all is that she's nice. She doesn't judge the band for their habit of either being high or drunk whenever they're just chilling.

She isn't a party pooper whenever the boys would get a little bit too competitive over whatever game they'd be playing. She even brings them food.

Sapnap insists that no matter how nice she is, George should still shoot his shot. That Joseph would still choose him over her.

But George is no home wrecker, absolutely not, fuck that.

That's why he is at a little bakery, not to popular, that looks like it's just a few months away from being shut down.

He was sitting at a table for two, and the coffee that he ordered has gone cold. His chocolate croissant was one bite away from being finished.

He rolled his eyes at the tardiness of Dream.

George eyes the door as the sound of the little chime fades in and out,

"Welcome.", the cashier greets Dream.

"Fucking finally…" he mutters, sitting up straight as he tries not to listen in on whatever small talk the two were making.

When Dream finally approached his table, he placed a cup of tea down on the table.

"So" Dream started, sitting down in front of George, "What is it that you wanted to talk about, Georgie?"

George holds the urge to roll his eyes. He needs this favour.

So, he says it out loud.

"Well, I need your help."

Dream raises a brow. George takes it as a sign to continue.

"I'm going to just go straight to the point." He chuckled awkwardly.

"So rumour has it that you're trying to move on from your ex in.. your own special ways.. yes?"

The man chokes, and George tries to fight the urge to laugh at him.

"What the fuck?", Dream asks, glaring at the brunet.

"I need you to date me. Well, not actually! It's just fake dating." George fidgets with his fingers, hoping he would agree.

Dream blinks once, then twice, before pinching the bridge of his nose. George awkwardly waits.

"... Why?", Dream finally asks.

George finds the courage to answer, fidgeting with his hands. He pretends to not notice Dreams stare.

"I may or may not need to make someone jealous, and it may or may not be my best friend."

"Who? Karl?"

"What, no? It's Joseph, im talking about Joseph."

Awkward silence settles between them before Dream rolls his eyes and poorly attempts to look bored by resting his chin on his hand.

"I… I thought you and Joseph were already dating?"



"Oh my god", George groans.

"No. We aren't dating… he's even been bringing this girl over, and I'm pretty sure that she's not letting him go anytime soon."

"So why bother?"

The brunet sighs, covering his face. He stops himself from pulling at his hair, and settles on matching Dream pose.

"Because I'm sure that he has feelings for me too. It's just that he cowards back out whenever we try to take the next step."

"Well… why me?"

George rolls his eyes.

"Easy. It's because he doesn't like you. You're from a rival band, i'm pretty sure he doesn't like how you're taller than him."

They both scoff, one out of amusement and one out of exasperation.

"Which is why I'm making this offer. What do you want?"

Dream thinks about it.

"I want you. A friends with benefits situation, if you will." Dream chuckled.

George's eyes widen, and he can see the sick satisfaction cross Dreams face.

"Fuck you, I don't even want you as a friend," he says. Still, he immediately pushes the reluctance down, and mutters, "but fine."

He doesn't admit that Dream being pretty hot helps with making him agree.

The man before him grins, pulling his phone out.

"Great! Now smile for the camera."

"What the fuck"

The picture gets taken, and it's a bit of a dingy angle with George just glaring at the man behind the camera.

"Wait, what's that for?"

"Instagram story. My main one, Joseph follows me there y'know. He will see it."

"Well… I could put you on my story too and tag you in it."

George takes a quick picture, wanting to make it as unflattering as possible. But Dream was already grinning when he took the picture, and he could only do so much to make a hot guy smiling look bad.

Thinking about what to write out, he bites his lip and types "Idiot" acknowledging the image a little, but not enough that he focuses on the main subject.

As soon as he loads out of the story, he looks up Dreams username and sees thst he had posted on his story. He opens the story he posted 29 seconds ago.

He sees the picture that Dream took of them just about a minute ago, he reads the text.

"What a cutie" it said.

"Oh my god you're so annoying." George said.

"Hey, that's not a nice thing to say to your boyfriend, is it?"

Oh, boy. What has he gotten himself into.

First chapter :D hope your enjoyed!!!

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