Chapter Seven

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Dream bites back a grin from George, letting the shorter of the two exasperatedly close the door.

They walked, but by the time they were two buildings away, Dream snorts

"Joseph really is a crybaby."

George bursts out laughing, weakly shoving Dream to the side as he chuckles out the words "shut up". Dream doesn't, and he continues.

"He's such a sore loser! Thank god Quackity was there to call him out on it."

"I was calling him out, too!"

"Oh, when was "aww, it's okay Joseph, maybe you're just tired" a good way to call someone out?", Dream raises his voice to mock George, which makes the latter roll his eyes.

"Well, at least I wasn't all "blah blah blah, I'm just too good at this, y'know." .", George mocks back, making his voice go deep.

They continue mocking each other a bit more, before they get to the more crowded streets of London and some old lady glares at them. Stopping with a laugh, Dream sighs,

"Seriously, Quackity does seem like a really nice person."

George smiles as if he were a proud older brother.

"Yeah, actually. He's like a protective younger brother of mine. Do you know how Sapnap insists on me making a move on Joseph? He's sorta the opposite he's been trying to tell me to get with someone already and all that stuff."

Dream smiles, putting an arm around George.

"I know how you feel. My younger sister was the same way around... my ex. She uh a couple of weeks before our relationship ended, she was starting to get distant. Drista, my younger sister insisted that I confront her about it."

He pauses and ignores George's hand coming up to squeeze his hand that was wrapped around George.

"I... I didn't confront her about it. When we actually broke up, I was expecting her to be a little shit and just tell me "I told you so" , but she didn't. She's honestly such a great sister."

Dream gets distracted, eyeing the fast food a few steps away from them.

"Wanna eat lunch before we go?"


They walked into the venue, ordered their food, and prayed to whatever god there was that no one would recognize them. They take a picture of each other, continuing the "idiot/what a cuite".

Dreams phone dies as he types out a reply to his band's group chat, and he sighs, not thinking much of it. He thinks about who else he needed to reply to.

When he remembers.

"Oh fuck, Drista."

George looks up curiously, raising a brow at the man in front of him.

"Can I borrow your phone, George? I forgot that I promised Drista that I was gonna have dinner with them tonight."

The shorter of the two only holds the gadget with his free hand and wordlessly unlocks the phone before handing it to Dream.

Dream types out a quick text to Drista with some flimsy half-true explanation as to why he hasn't been responding since last night. Drista only replies with a "K" , and "dad says bring them if you can. I agree which means that you have no choice but to do so big man" .

Mid-typing to him chastising Drista for not using proper punctuation, George's phone gets a notification from Joseph.

get me coffee pls

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