Chapter Nineteen

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Dream sits at the back of his father's minivan, thumb hovering over his keyboard.

He's spaced out again, trying to think of what to reply to George. Was he supposed to be formal now? Should he tell the man he misses him? Does he tell his manager and just ignore George? Maybe he could pretend that he never saw the message-

"Dream, chill. You're not actually strong enough to crush your phone with one hand.", Drista snorts out, light-heartedly making fun of him.

"Shut up gremlin child."


"Kids , please.", his father chastises. Drista pouts but shuts up. He pretends that the spat didn't happen and yawns, going back on his phone. He decides to close the message for now, thinking that it was best for him to try and figure out what to reply with first.

He looks out the window, almost scoffing at himself for being a dramatic bastard. A potential lyric comes to his mind, and he unlocks his phone again to type it out. Before he could open the notes app, however, Drista nudges him softly.

"You know you can tell me if something's going on, right?"

"I appreciate it. You don't have to worry about it though."

"Mum, Dad, Moriah and Cole are also willing to listen. I'm sure George is just one message away, don't try to bottle it all up."

Dream is tempted to tear up and genuinely cry, but he covers it up and grins at Drista.

"Awww! Are you that worried about me?"

Drista scoffs, nudging her harder.

"Yeah, you're my brother aren't you?"

"Don't say that, you'll make me cry."

He hears his mother chuckle, and Cole grumbles from behind them.

"Can you two shut up? I'm trying to sleep here."

"Ah, just wake up already. We're already close to Hyde Park anyway.", their dad chides.

Drista cheers, excited about the Winter Wonderland despite it being the 5th time they've visited the park for winter.

Dream rolls his eyes despite smiling. He would complain about how they've been there so much, but he appreciates the break from needing to think about stressful things.

He brushes off the night after dinner in his flat, when he fondly told George about his favourite parts in the park.

They exit the vehicle, Drista already planning out what they should be doing and the rides they should be going on. Their mom guides Drista inside, nodding at the girl ramblings. Cole yawns, immediately going on his phone like a rebel teenager.

He pulls out his phone again, in hopes that he could finally think of what to reply to George. His father pats him on the back as he adjusts his hair using the tinted window's reflection.

"Let's enjoy the day, yeah?"

Dream nods, smiling softly. He locks his phone and puts it back in his pocket.

Despite the park only opening a few hours ago, it was surprisingly packed. Coles jokes about putting Drista on a child leash, and the blond retaliates by trying to run away and prove the man's point.

They go to check out the food first, hungry from the drive. He gets the pretzel and hot chocolate, the same one he recommended to George if the man ever decided to visit.

He's trying his best to enjoy his day.

Eating quietly, he checks his phone again. He's a little disappointed that he has no sarcastic text from a certain short brunet and winces at the reminder that he's the one that hasn't replied yet.

"Come on loser, Dad wants to check something out with Mom. We gotta babysit Drista."

"Fuck off, you're not babysitting me!"

Dream scoffs, "Yeah. We're just child-sitting , Moriah."

Drista scowls but stomps forward to one of the rides anyway. On the way to the line for Wilde Maus, the blond stops and furrows her brows in one direction, squinting.

"What?", Moriah deadpans. Dream raises a brow, trying to look in the direction, but not really finding anything important.

"I swear I saw… nevermind."

Dream rolls his eyes, gently pushing his sister to the line. He licks his lips, thinking about the chances of someone they know being in the same place at the same time.

He thinks about the chances of George being in the same place at the same time.

He shivers.

The ride was as thrilling as rollercoasters could be. He was never one to enjoy them. Yes, the thrill and speed were nice, but they were never anything new. He does, however, appreciate the adrenaline rush.

Despite his nonchalance, his mind blurs after the rollercoaster ride. He knows he's happy, making fun of his sister and fucking around the park, not minding if there was the occasional mean lady that would glare at them.

Before he even notices it, the sun was almost setting. They head to the Ferris wheel, the adrenaline from the much more energetic rides finally wearing down.

On the way to the line, he notices something on one of the benches.

He feels himself freeze, and for the first time that day, he feels genuinely cold.

And okay, maybe he's just missing George so badly that he's seeing the man everywhere he goes, but god the resemblance was too uncanny. It couldn't have been anyone else.

How could it be anyone else, when right there was a man so beautiful he looks like he belongs in a painting. Like god themself had taken the time to carve out each and every detail of the brunet. The orange light bounced from his face, as he observes the man's smile fall.

He watches George say something he couldn't make out, and he faintly hears Drista call his name.

Joseph kisses him.

Dream feels sick.

It's like someone had simultaneously punched him in the stomach and shook the piece of concrete he was standing on. He shivers, but he couldn't bring himself to look away.

He sees George push Joseph off, but he's interrupted by a hand firmly grasping his shoulder.

"Let's go ride the Ferris wheel, yeah?", Cole suggests.

He saw.

There's something almost funny about him feeling more shaken by this compared to the actual roller coasters.

Wordlessly, Dream follows his sisters and brother to the big wheel, where Drista has been waiting in line for them. They get to the ride, silence filling the cabin as he spaces out.

Dream's happy as long as George is happy, really. He only wants what's best for the brunet, wants to see the man smile because he deserves to be happy and loved by everyone.

So, pray tell, why does his heart hurt at the sight of George kissing Joseph?

Why does the idea of George being happy and in love with someone else make him feel ill?

He shivers again and pulls out his phone. If his hands were shaking as he typed, that was no one's business.

Im guessing you've seen the situation w Joseph. Can we talk later? I have an idea.

He opens another chatbox, inhaling to try and pull himself together.

Your manager probs already told you but someone saw you and Joseph fight. IDK what to do.

Got it. Thanks.
Happy for u and Joseph :)

I'm sorry...

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