Chapter Eleven

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Joseph considers himself to be a pretty lucky guy.

Born with blonde hair, well you could say brown and brown eyes, he was admittedly pretty charming. A natural teacher's favourite even if he didn't even try.

Sure, there were moments here and there that made for embarrassing stories. Like how before he met George, he would skip classes so much that his parents called the cops on him.

But they all worked out in the end. His rebellious phase led to his parents ultimately caving in and paying the new neighbour to teach him how to code.

Soon enough, Joseph is suddenly flying to the UK. He was lucky enough that a good recording label managed to find him and his band. He got to room with George, the man who had managed to be his best friend. There was just something about George that he couldn't compare to anyone else.

Joseph thought he was a pretty lucky man.

But as he watches Elena fidget on his sofa looking solemn, he starts to doubt his luck.

"Could… could you repeat that?", he asks, feeling his head hurt.

"We need to take a break, Joseph. It's just- I feel like there are some things you haven't realized yet, which would be fine, but… it's… something that affects our relationship", she holds his hand, "and I feel like I might be the reason why you haven't made that realization yet."

Joseph blinks once. Twice.


Elena sighs, hugging Joseph.

"Talk to George, okay? I think we both deserve this."

Elena exits, and Joseph wants to melt into the sofa. The pancakes he ordered from McDonald's sit pathetically on the coffee table, as if it were saddened by the news as well.

What the actual fuck.

He couldn't even bring himself to focus on the break-up itself because this was the second time someone has told him that he needs to do or realize something about George. He thinks about it. Really thinks about it. But he could feel his mind short circuit and his brain cells get fried at the attempt.

Picking up his phone, he calls Sapnap.


"Sapnappp!", Joseph whines dramatically. He hears a small "fucking Christ" from the phone, and he thinks that he would've laughed had he been in a better mood.

"What, you asshole? I'm trying to cuddle with Karl and Quackity here and you're ruining our bonding time."

"End the call, babe."

"Can't. It's Joseph."

"End the fucking call or I'll end him."

"Don't end the call- it's about George."

The call falls silent, and Joseph hears shuffling from the other side.

"What's up?"

"I… I have questions."

"Alright, lay it on me, baby boy."

Joseph wrinkles the bridge of his nose and fake gags, "shut up." he says.

"You're not gonna come over?"

"Fuck no, I got two babies with me."

"Ugh fine you asshole. Okay, listen"

The blond sighs, collecting what small bits of bravery he has.

"Elena just broke up with me."

"Oh shit."

"Yeah… she, uh, she mentioned something about George and- can Quackity hear me?"

"Do you want me to put you on speaker?"

"Uh, do whatever. Anyway, she mentioned that I… need to make realizations about… or with George, and Quackity also said that I need to get my shit together about George and I just… is there something you guys know that I don't?"

Joseph would've thought that Sapnap ended the call because of how quiet it got, but Quackity suddenly started laughing, voice slowly getting quieter as the man seemed to step away from the call.

"Joseph. On a scale of 1-10, how… how honest do you want me to be?"

"An 11."

"You're in love with George."


"What? Dude, fuck off- this isn't the time for jokes."

Joseph hears shuffling again, followed by Karl and Quackity's laughter.

"And I'm not joking! You wanted honesty, I gave you honesty"

The blond hopes that if he tries hard enough, he'll melt into the sofa.

"... But I'm straight."

He hears Quackity burst out laughing again, and Sapnap audibly sighs,

"You've talked about wanting to fuck guys way too many times for that to be true."


"You have mentioned multiple times that you want to make out with George."

"But you-"

"I'm not straight idiot! Literally everyone in our band- fuck it- almost everyone in our friend group is queer. Brother, I love you to death but you are not the token straight friend that you think you are."

Joseph feels his head hurt, but he focuses on thinking about George anyways. So what if he's talked about how hot the British man was, with his alabaster skin that was so easy to paint with bruises, the dark chocolate hair and eyes that reminded him of iced black coffee cooling him down, and the-


So maybe he kinda has the hots for George.

George with all his little quirks. From the way he occasionally dips his apples in apple juice, to the way he comforts Joseph by not leaving his side, offering to listen to his rants and cuddle with him.


"Fuck! What the hell, man?! How did I not notice-"

Joseph groans, punching the couch. Maybe 10am was a little bit too early to be yelling, but could he really stop himself? He's just made a life-changing realization about himself and it involves his best friend of all people.

"Hey, I'm proud of you man. We're here no matter what happens… but what are you gonna do now? With George, I mean."

The blond sits up, letting himself breathe. Sure, Elena broke up with him already so that's pretty much out of the way, but George was already dating Dream . Is he really selfish enough that he'll steal the man away from his boyfriend?

"I'll… he's probably still mad at me, so I'll give him some time. But for now, I guess I'll do what I've been doing for the last 5 years now."


"I'll write him a song. I'll call you when I need help."

Joseph ends the call, not waiting for a response. In an attempt to try and hype himself up and go to his office, he eyes the hotcakes he ordered.

He'll do it after he's done eating.

Making some realizations I see..

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