Chapter Thirteen

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Dream starts the day bright and early. It was 8am, the birds were chirping outside, and it seemed to be not too cold despite the season.

How miserable.

The man groans into his pillow, thinking about his plans for the day.

He has to drive all the way to York, find his ex-roommate, ask if they know where George is, and pick George up.

All while having Joseph tail behind him.

Don't get him wrong- he's gotten rid of his prejudices against everyone else in the band. How could he not? After George talked so fondly about every one of them when they got home after his family dinner.

Sapnap, caring, strong-headed, persevering. Like a brother to George.

Karl, kind, reliable, sweet. A shoulder to cry on.

Quackity, bright, fun, surprisingly philosophical. His closest confidant.

And yeah, George did praise Joseph as if the blond had been the one to hang up the stars, but it all cancels out when he is absolutely aware that the man was a prick.

Before he knew it, he was ready, but still dreading, to go wait for the four men. He goes to the location he sent Quackity, hoping that Joseph wouldn't be unbearable today.

The drive to York was easy enough. They only had to make a pit stop once, and it was for Sapnap who woke up late and needed to have breakfast.

He thinks about how Joseph would absolutely try to race him out of spite, and he thanks his lucky stars that the blond wasn't the one driving.

Three hours into the drive, he realizes that maybe George wouldn't want him to be talking so much shit about the man he's in love with. It's like there was an angel and devil on his shoulders, the angel being George and the devil just him himself.

"Dream, come on. George wouldn't appreciate you calling Joseph a “stupid fucking prick”, that's just mean!" , little Gogy angel would argue, pouting and using the voice George would put on if he was telling Dream off.

"To be fair, he is a stupid fucking prick." his tiny demon self would reply.

Yeah. Dream's getting bored.

Thank the fucking heavens that he finally finds his ex-roommate's house. He calls Quackity so that they immediately get information as well. Jack thankfully seemed to know what he was talking about.

"Ah yeah! I know his family … just keep going straight mate, edge of the town's her gate. Really nice lady, though her house is a bit ways away from her own fuckin' gate. Ah, you're gonna have to park your car somewhere else though, it wouldn't fit through their street."

Dream didn't know what the ever-loving fuck that implied, so he just nods and thanks the man. He eyes his phone planning to end the call, but Quackity suddenly speaks up,

"Hey man! Uh, we're actually gonna go buy something before we head to George's. Do you mind?"

"Yeah, I'll just go ahea—"

"What? Wait, no. We need to see George already." he hears Joseph argue.

The man hears a bit of shuffling, followed by whispers he couldn't be bothered to decipher. His head hurts. God, he just wanted to fuck and cuddle with George, why does he have to deal with this?

"Okay, how about this," a voice chimes in. He vaguely remembers it belonging to Karl. "Since we need to park somewhere else, let's find a parking lot and separate from there. Got it? Got it."

Dream, too tired to argue, lets out a small hum of agreement. He takes a couple of seconds to remember where the parking lot was, but drives there immediately once he remembers.

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