Chapter Three

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George tiredly opens the door to his apartment. He simply cannot wait to just fall asleep and pass outl and oh, how comfortable his bed would be. So soft, warm, and-

"Heyyyy! Mr what a cuite is here!" someone greets.

Of course.

The brunet deadpans at the guests before him. Sapnap and Karl stayed cuddling on the sofa, but they eyed him with two completely different expressions, confusion and pride, respectively.

In front of him was Quackity, grinning and doing a mock baby voice while squeezing his cheeks.

He pushes past Quackity and sits on the armchair. Ignoring the complaints from the man about how he stole his spot , he looks at Sapnap who looked like he was about to say something.

Before he could even utter a word out, however, a pair of quick and heavy footsteps rush towards them from the kitchen.

"George! What the fuck?!"

The man hides the grin wanting to creep on his face. He plants a slightly irritated expression and rolls his eyes, crossing his arms and leaning on the seat for extra effect.


The apartment goes quiet. A softer and less panicked set of footsteps fills the silence, and George tries to not wince at the dainty pair of arms that automatically wraps itself around Joseph waist.

"Wha- why would you not tell me! Dream? Of all people?", Joseph stammers out, angrily pushing his hair back.

George tries to not think about how hot it was.

"Hey uhm Elena, I think it's best if you leave for the night, this is kinda private.", Sapnap calls out, sitting up from Karl's hold.

The girl pouts but nods anyway. She places a quick peck on Joseph cheek before grabbing her purse and leaving, muttering a small " good luck " to George as she exits.

"What's wrong with me dating Dream, huh?", George finally asks.

Joseph rolls his eyes,

"You've never even told us you were talking to him and we find out now that you're straight up just dating him?"

"You hate the guy! If I told you, you would've never let me give him a chance. Besides, I don't need to tell you everything about me, just like how you don't tell me about how you suddenly have a girlfriend."

George stops himself, he wanted to say "whenever you make me think we're actually gonna take the next step" but doesnt. He feels a deep shiver that somehow doesn't manifest physically, and runs to his room before the tears start to fall.

He doesn't mean to slam the door, but he does anyway.

Extra points for the dramatics, I suppose.

He settles on his bed, hiding his face with his arms. With a deep inhale, he's reminded of the unfamiliar yet, lovely scent of Dreams flannel.

A knock on his door interrupts him. It opens to Sapnap looking concerned and still very confused.

If George was in a better mood, he would've made fun of Sapnap for looking like a dad who didn't know what to do.

"I'm sorry, dude.", Sapnap starts, sitting down and giving George an awkward pat on the back.

"It's fine."

George contemplates telling Sapnap the truth, but before he could even make a decision, the latter continues talking.

"This must be tough, I kinda get why you're finally trying to date someone new, but damn dude, you and Joseph are soulmates . Are you really not willing to wait for him?"

The brit decides that telling Sapnap the truth wasn't the best idea for now, so he stops himself from going on a rant about how he's doing the stupidest shit for the man, and sighs,

"If he wasn't willing to make a move for me, then who am I to wait for him? I could be waiting for nothing, Sap."

His heart jumps at the ache, despite hiding the truth, he didn't tell a single lie.

"Wow… well I mean, I'm happy that you've found someone even if it is Dream. It's just such a shame 'cause you and Joseph have so much history together."

"History isn't much if there's nothing of true interest that happened."

"You talk like an old man."

George laughs, the tension getting a bit lighter and Sapnap only rolls his eyes. They sit in silence for a little bit, before the younger sighs and makes eye contact with him.

"Talk to Joseph when you get the opportunity, okay?"

As if the world was playing a cruel joke, a knock is heard from George's door. They didn't even have to think about who it could possibly be.

"Looks like the opportunity is now, George."

Sapnap pats his shoulder, standing to go and exit the room. Before the door closes again, a familiar man enters the room.

"George… I'm sorry about, uhm, earlier."

He eyes Joseph before sighing, letting himself lie on the bed. Burying his face in the sheets, he hears shuffling and figures that the man sat down beside him.

"..It's okay, guess I just got upset."

He refuses to elaborate.

Joseph sighs, shifting so that he could lay his head on the small of George's back. The latter ignores the butterfly in his stomach.

"I… and you're right. I never tell you when I meet someone new, and I'm sorry about that. I still hate Joseph but…"

He feels Joseph sink his face on to George's back. Damn the American and his mixed signals for this shit.

"... if he makes you happy, then I respect your decision."

George hates it.

He absolutely hates this. He hates the sadness and defeat in Joseph voice, but knows that Joseph doesn't even know why he feels so sad and defeated about this.

"Thank you."

"Anything for you, Georgie."

They stay in the room for a bit, not saying anything. Joseph at some point shifted to cuddle with George and not even 5 seconds into him burying his head into George's shoulder, the man pulls away a little and scrunches his eyebrows.

"Who's- is this Dreams?"

George looks down at Josephs hand grasping the offensive flannel.

"Yeah, he gave it to me 'cause it got a bit colder while we were out."

"Take it off. I mean- like, you can probably take it off now, right? It's not cold in your room, actually, it's pretty warm. Though I could turn up the thermostat if you want me to?"

Oh my God, he's so jealous.

What the fuck.

"Yeah, I'm gonna get changed anyway. Let's go watch a movie after I'm done."

Joseph nods, smiling softly at George. He waits until the brit had taken off the flannel before standing to get out of his room.

"I think they're still there- want me to force Quackity to get you food?"

"Of course."

They chuckle at each other, before Joseph leaves George alone.

Before he exits his room, he checks his phone and smiles against his will when he sees that Dream texted him.

Just realized that you still have my flannel. Hope it made Joseph jealous ;)

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! :D

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