Chapter Twenty-four

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It seems that the fans were satisfied with the current content and discourse about Dream and Josephs fight were brushed off as an odd promo tactic.

He sends a congratulatory and thankful message to their manager. After that, he opens the Little Wine Day group chat.

great job George :D people liked it!


yooooo let's go george ur popping off rn

I only accept thank you's in cash form sorry ://

fuck off LMAO
let's go drinking though

but yeah sure. let's just do it in your apartment George?

bad encourages alcoholism confirmed?

>:00 NO

Let's not drink in the flat
Dream and his friends are coming along
I mean it is their music video that we're celebrating


might bring Elena along

i mean yooo let's go

do we meet up or just head to the bar?

babe where's my sweater i'm gonna cry

wrong gc babe


I think we're all bringing our own parties along so let's just head straight to the bar?


Bad smiles, locking his phone. He turns to his side, eyeing his boyfriend.

"Skeppy, wake up. We're gonna go out tonight."

Skeppy grumbles, simultaneously kicking Bad's legs and burrowing his face under Bad's arm.

He laughs, kissing his boyfriend's temple. The man slowly woke up, glaring lightheartedly at him.

"Why do I need to get up? Where are we going?"

"Celebratory drinking for the boys."

He sits up when Skeppy does, standing as the other stretches.

"And here I thought you were gonna propose to me."

Bad leans down and kisses Skeppy, smiling.

"We're practically married anyway.", he whispers giddily.

Skeppy bites his lip.

"Fuck you."

He scoffs and pulls away from Skeppy, heading to the bathroom to wash his face. Getting ready was mostly uneventful, if not for his boyfriend occasionally bugging him by biting his shoulder lightly.

While Bad may not be one for loud parties or getting irresponsibly drunk, he does still like the occasional drink or two. He and Skeppy excitedly walk in, spotting George with a blonde woman giggling away at a pretty spacious table.

"George!", he calls out.

"Bad, Skep! This is Sylvee, their manager. Sylvee, they're our managers."

"More like babysitters", Skeppy quips. Sylvee laughs as George rolls his eyes.

"Where are the others?" Bad asks, sitting down.

"I think Quackity's on the way, Joseph I don't know, and Dream is picking up his friends.", George answers, unlocking his phone.

They wait around for a bit, ordering a couple of light drinks. Skeppy makes Bad order plain pineapple juice, knowing how lightweight he is.

Soon enough, the boyfriends arrive. When Dream arrives, he recognizes the men's faces except for one who is standing by Dream.

"I brought Cole along.", Dream smiles, sitting beside George.

Bad notices a little bit of tension, and he notes that Cole must not be one for bars. He offers a beer along with a sympathetic smile, the man takes the drink and only nods at him.

A couple of drinks in, Joseph and Elena finally arrive. Bad is already a bit tipsy, so all he does is grin at them.

Before they even know it, it's 3am and they're getting kicked out of the bar. Not because they were getting into fights or anything, but a barkeeper could only have so much patience for 6 grown men yelling and challenging each other to drink as much as possible.

They all walk, each waiting for a Lyft home. Once they've made a turn that separates them from the rest of the group, he feels a hand hold his.

Skeppy kisses him with a smile and even though they both stink of sweat and alcohol, Bad has never felt more in love.

Life is good.

Got some skephalo in this too lol
Also this is a short chapter sorry!

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