Chapter Sixteen

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Karl watches as George hugs himself, grasping the sleeves of a sweater he's sure his friend didn't own.

"What's going on, George?"

The man looks away, and Karl stays silent, waiting patiently.

"I… I've been in love with Joseph for so long. I realized that after the road trip. I was so certain that he loved me too."

Karl nods, letting the man continue.

"You know how it was though. He would suddenly come home saying he's dating some girl… what you may not know is that it always happens every time we… every time we get close. A couple days before he introduced Elena, we almost kissed."

"Oh, George…"

"He's been doing that for a while now and… and I got tired waiting around for him… I fake dated Dream in hopes that Joseph would get so jealous that he realizes his feelings."

George finally looks up at him, and tears were threatening to spill in his eyes. Karl feels his heart clench, just wanting his best friend to stop hurting.

"It… it worked Karl. Joseph told me earlier that he loves me… he kissed me… Karl- Karl I'm in love with Dream."

The man sobs and Karl pulls him in for a hug.

"I fell in love with Dream, but I told him about Joseph confessing and- and he broke the deal. We're done. He doesn't want me, Karl."


He holds George tighter, waiting until the man's sobs died down before saying anything else.

Collecting his thoughts, he thinks about the unfortunate circumstances.

It was shitty of George to fake date someone just to get Joseph to understand things, but he thinks he understands it. He's very aware of the blond's stubbornness and knew that if it was George just trying to convince him of his feelings, they'd never really get anywhere.

He thinks about Dream, the man he barely knows. They only encountered each other once during a gig where both of their bands played and there was a scheduling conflict that was the event holder's fault, but Joseph and Dream had started a rivalry over it.

Even then, he didn't have much against Dream. Especially not after he saw George looking so happy with him just earlier that day. The taller one would look at his best friend with such strong adoration. He wouldn't have expected that they were fake dating.

He thinks about Joseph, accidentally selfish Joseph. It was odd how love manifested differently in people. It made George impulsive to a fault, and Joseph incredibly selfish. He knows the blond didn't mean harm, knows the man just wanted what's best for George.

George shifts from his arms, and he loosens his hold a little. The man looks at him, with puffy and tired eyes.


"What's going on?", a voice pops up.

Karl looks at Joseph, half-asleep looking at them. He tucks George's head in his shoulder, knowing the British man doesn't want him to know he's crying.

"Nothing, we're just talking a bit."

"M'kay… don't stay up too late… gotta go back home early tomorrow."

He nods, waiting until the blond drudges back upstairs before he lets go of George. Despite being let go, the man still looks down.

"Let's talk later, okay? Get some sleep for now. Sorry about this." George suggests. Karl's heart hurts, knowing the man was putting his feelings aside once more.

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