Chapter Twenty-two

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Quackity loves his best friends. He really does.

When he got dragged in to be a bassist for some band that practiced in the garage from one of the most suburban neighbourhoods he's ever seen, he didn't think that it would change his life.

He appreciated this shy yet oddly smug guy from his Psychology class who told him to join the band.

He loves them. He really does.

But he would be lying if he said that they weren't fucking annoying at times.

Karl? Could never do anything wrong. Absolutely perfect. The best boy.

Sapnap? Amazing. Sometimes on thin ice, but he's alright.

Bad? Skeppy? Odd. Too busy just flirting with each other at times, but are honestly pretty fun people to be around.

George? Annoying. Pain in the ass.

Joseph? Horrible. He would defenestrate the man if he could.

And, okay, maybe he's just bugged about their situation. But right now, he's pretty sure that he has the right to be annoyed when he, his boyfriend, and his boyfriend's boyfriend are forced to sit through Joseph being a sulky motherfucker as George left to "fix stuff" with Dream.

"Será mejor que ese hijo de puta arregle sus cosas, juro por Dios que haré que la misión de mi vida sea patearles el culo y—"

He feels Karl nudge his side with an elbow, and Quackity just sighs and rests his head on Karl's shoulder.

"Are you sure you don't want anything for lunch, Joseph?", Sapnap asks, obviously feeling bad yet exasperated at the blond.

"'M fine. Leave me alone.", Joseph mutters, face squished as he covers it with a throw pillow.

"Dude, it is 2pm, you just woke up and you haven't eaten anything yet. Come on. At least tell us why you're upset.", Karl points out. Quackity places a kiss on his cheek.

"It's just," Joseph starts, and Quackity braces himself for the whining. " I was the one that got into a fight with Dream, so why is George the one left dealing with it- I mean come on! And Bad knows that they just broke up too, like, he has to know . So why-", the blond cuts himself off with a groan, hiding his face with a throw pillow once more.

Quackity has to stop himself from rolling his eyes. He sort of understands why Joseph is upset, but also understands how George continuously let his heart get broken for 3 years or so just to wait for a man who does shit like this.

"Did you consider that maybe Dream doesn't want to interact with you much because you literally beat him up?", he offers, raising a brow.

"Oh come on, he started it! Besides if that's the case, why didn't he get one of you guys then?"

"I've had one conversation with him.", Karl points out.

"We talked for 5 minutes at best.", Sapnap shrugs.

"He's just closest to George, dude. And besides, he seems like he's not the type to hold grudges."

Joseph sighs, and Quackity rolls his eyes so hard he thinks they might get stuck looking at his brain.

"You say that like he didn't… nevermind. This is ridiculous."

"You tell me", he mutters. Quackity hears Sapnap snort.

"All I'm saying is", Quackity starts again. "You gotta let George do his own shit, man."

"You're biased towards Dream, shut up."


"Well I am always biased towards you Joseph", Sapnap points out, pinching the bridge of his nose. "but I gotta agree with Q here."

Quackity giggles, letting out a small "let's go" that makes Karl and Sapnap chuckle.

"Oh come on ."

Joseph phone vibrates, and the blond checks it.

It seems that it wasn't a good idea, however, as the man groans back to the pillow and whines dramatically. Sapnap goes to check the phone, scoffing.

"Simp here had his notifs on for George. But George and Dream just did their little what a cutie and idiot thing."

Quackity laughs the same time Karl lets out a soft "aww" .

"We should do that sometime… or we could have a cute tradition too!" Karl suggests.

The three of them laugh, completely ignoring the dilemma the blond is in. When it quiets down a little, Sapnap sits on Josephs ass and bugs the blond about lunch again.

"At least we don't have to fake date for this.", Quackity mutters to Karl, making the latter giggle.



"Quackity. What did you say- I heard that.", Joseph asks, green eyes widened.


"What do you mean?", he chuckles awkwardly. Karl holds his hand.

"Fake date- what do you mean... are George and Dream not actually dating?"

"I don't know what you mean, man."

"No, fuck off. George and Dream- why would they fake date- is Dream trying to get revenge from all those years ago. Are you fucking shitting on me right now?"

"Dream-", Sapnap tries to interrupt. The blond stands up, making the Sapnap hastily stand up as well, not wanting to fall on the floor.

"It was because of you, yes, but-"

The blond punches a wall. Had it been in America, it would've hurt the house- rather, the blond shakes his hand since he had just punched cement.

"Why did George agree- this is bullshit."

Quackity could feel his breathing get a little shakier. He almost opens his mouth to answer, when he feels Karl pull away and hears a sigh.

"Dream! Can you listen for one fucming second!"

It was a rare occurrence that Karl would yell out anger like this, so it had left everyone in the house unmoving in surprise.

"George never needed to agree to anything because he was the one that made the deal. I refuse to tell you more than that because I respect my fucking friends , unlike you, apparently."

He sees Sapnap step between the three of them, keeping his eyes on Joseph.

"I… I don't know what's going on, and Karl's already said what needs to be said… Let's just call George and make him explain things."

The black hair boy grabs Joseph phone and hands it to him. The man seems to contemplate for a second, before stepping away and slamming the closet door open.

"I'll call him and meet him in the station."

Before they could say anything, Joseph was gone. He looks at Karl who hugs Sapnap. Feeling like he didn't deserve to join the hug pile at that moment, he pulls out his phone.

i messed up
Joseph knows
hes gonna be waiting for u in the station
im sorry dude

So... he knows...

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