Chapter Twenty-six

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"Are you sure this is alright?" Dream asks, glancing anxiously at his partner.

"If you're still alright with it, then yes. Dream, trust me, Mum and Dad will adore you."

He reaches out his right hand to hold George's, which the man takes gracefully. Neither of them acknowledges how clammy his hands are.

"Well actually, Dad might be a bit harder to convince-"


He hears George chuckle and feels the man raise their intertwined hands. A kiss is placed on the back of Dream's hand, and he feels himself get a bit warmer inside.

"Kidding… kinda."

Dream whines once more, and George only laughs at him.

"So again, game plan, we spend dinner and breakfast here, go back to my flat for the party, and then the two of us can have dinner together tomorrow, yeah?", George clarifies, tracing little shapes at the back of his hand as he talks. Dream lets out hums of confirmation, hoping that their unorganised scheduling works out good enough.

He makes a turn, and he feels like he leaves his heart in the last street by the way its rhythmic beating stops.

Automatically, he parks his car in front of the house George points to.

Dream tries to garner the courage to keep himself steady in front of his family, but before he could even fully brace for it, he was suddenly dragged in and doted over. He can hear George groan, as the woman in front of him rushes them to take their coat and shoes off.

He feels warm as he's introduced to Charlie and Deliah. He feels like he's melting when George- whilst being all flustered- adds "my boyfriend" to the introduction.

Deliah grins widely, pouring herself a glass of wine as she nods on about how happy she was for her son. Charlie would stay quiet, only giving him a little nod.

Before he even knows it, the dinner ends and Dream is dragged to the living room. Charlie insists that George cleans up with him, whilst he gets shown old memorabilia of a George he never got to know.

"He was a pretty quiet kid, but people seemed to just like him so much.", she utters with complete adoration, showing an awkwardly smiling 12-year-old George holding a football as some boys grinned around him.

He sees a 7-year-old George focused in front of a computer. Then when he was 9, eyes closed as he held a recorder; 13, holding a bass that was far too big for him; 15, behind drums.

What catches his eyes on the next page is George tiredly smiling at the camera, a familiar blond grinning beside him. Deliah must've noticed his look, as she starts explaining.

"Ah, that was when we first moved. Charlie and I were assigned to overlook some stuff in the old company we worked in and we couldn't leave our little George here… Joseph was kind enough to help him settle in, despite his parents saying he was rebellious."

She pauses with a small chuckle, and Dream smiles awkwardly.

"We honestly expected Joseph to come over when he said he had a boyfriend… the lad is nice but", she places a gentle hand on his forearm, smiling. "I think you're a great lad, too. What matters most is my son being happy and safe."

He suddenly feels someone pat him on the back. When he looks, George was smiling softly at them.

"Mum, Dream and I are gonna go to sleep. We need to head out early tomorrow."

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