Chapter Eight

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"Mom, Dad, Cole, Moriah, This is George. George, that's my parents and Cole my brother."

Drista glares at her older brother,

"Why would you not introduce me?"

Dream glares back, and Dream sees his father pinch the bridge of his nose.

"I think what you did earlier was enough of an intro."

They glare at each other for a little bit more, when George speaks up.

"Drista, right? Dream mentioned you to me earlier."

The blond's eyes sparkle in excitement, and he grins.

"Of course! Dream adores me. Speaking of Dream, why are you hanging out with this… loser?"

"Drista!" Their dad calls out. Drista pouts at her dad, but ultimately returns her attention back to George.

"I… uh, Dream is just… A nice person. I don't know."

George lets out an awkward chuckle, and Drista could immediately tell that George is a little nervous. She feels proud of herself for being able to intimidate one of her favourite artists , but tones down her energy anyways.

"So, are you and Joseph dating?"

Their dad calls out the her name again, and Dream chokes on his drink. Cole and Moriah were clearly trying to hold back their laughter, and George had remained unmoving, surprised by the question.

It appears that Drista has a different idea of what toning down means.

"No, we're not-" "Actually, we're dating."


Drista watches the two look at each other, as if attempting to communicate telepathically. She furrows her brows, trying to join in on the telepathic conversation.

"So… Are you two dating or not?"

"Yes." "No."

The blond watched as George's arm shifts a little, and Dream flinches. The shorter brunet sighs, smiling politely.

"It's a weird situation. We just started dating, but we're not anything official."

Drista hears their father let out a small "ah" in understanding, which bugs her because he doesn't understand it.

"What do you mean weird? Just call each other boyfriends, make out, and then call it a day, yeah?"

"Drista!", their mom and dad exasperatedly calls out.

She hears her Moriah and Cole finally burst out laughing. Dream had seemingly given up on trying to be patient, and was apologizing quietly to George.

"It's a complicated situation, Drista. That's how relationships are sometimes.", their mom says, smile still wide from laughing earlier.

The dinner passes with Drista still observing the two. She would occasionally catch Dream looking softly at George while the latter was talking to his parents and if she focuses enough, she swears she could see George give the same look, if not soft, then excited.

It's odd, Drista thinks. She didn't expect her brother to be dating THE George, not after the 2 weeks where Dream just talked shit about everyone in Little Wine Day.

Sure, most of the shit-talking was towards the leader, but Drista assumed that George would also be disliked by association.

She narrows her eyes. Something is weird about this.

They spend the rest of the night in the living room, playing Scrabble but as partners, the groups were made up of George and Dream, his mum and dad, along with her, Moriah and cole.

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