Chapter Two

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If you were to ask Dream what he thought of George, the man would most likely would start with a scoff, and then he'd go on a sarcastic rant about how George is a pretty boy who has all the pretty privilege in the world.

Sure, maybe there's a little bit of truth behind the words, but no one has to get into that yet.

He looks at the man beside him, busy dealing with his best friends who immediately started spamming him once they posted the stories. Trying to not be annoyed, he turns away and watches the shore before them.

"Is Joseph messaging you?" He asked.

George giggles, because of course he'd giggle about his crush, who doesnt? He looked at him with a dopey grin.

"Yeah, actually. I think it's already working."

"Are you replying already?"

Dream notices the way George stops abruptly and almost wants to laugh. He doesn't though, and he continues.

"If you are, you shouldn't yet. Leave him hanging wanting more."

He finally looks at George, who irritably scoffs at him, but puts his phone down anyway.

"Of course you would know that."

"Hey, I'm just being helpful. It will pay off soon don't worry." Dream told him.

Dream wonders if George will pick up that he's joking.

Before he could clarify, George laughs. Genuinely laughs. It's only a small chuckle if we're being honest here, but still.

He hates to admit that he thinks it's a very pretty sound.

"You're actually an idiot", he starts. He smiles softly, before very obviously trying to school his face back to neutrality. He continues,

"Okay, what type of music do you listen to? Or bands." Dream askes.

"Hmmm. Arctic Monkeys and maybe some of the Neighborhood. Honestly, I started to look for indie bands after that phase."

"Well, did you get over your indie phase too?"

"What do you mean get over the phase? We're technically both indie bands!"

George laughs again, except this time it was a bit louder and bolder. Dream lets himself laugh along.

They spend a bit more time on the beach, George's friends' relentless spamming forgotten. The two mindlessly throw around "fuck you's", but they didn't care because hey, it's funny.

Soon, the sun sets before them and they settle in, surprisingly, not an awkward silence. Dream gives a subtle glance to the man beside him, finding to see that George looks a little bored.

"Do you like sunsets?", he asks, eyes returning to the scene in front of him.

"I don't really care for it, can't see colours and shit."

Dream's romantic side would like to go on a spiel about how the sunset was beautiful, with its reds and oranges being inviting despite the sun saying goodbye. Well, less of a "goodbye", more of a "see you later".

He swallows the bitter reminder of his ex and pushes the idea down. He doubts that he can find the words for George anyway.

"Ah, that's such a shame. It's absolutely beautiful.", is what he ends up saying. Maybe some other time, he could say something better that would make him get a better response than a hum.

If you ask Dream what he thought of George right at that moment, he'd be honest and say that the man was beautiful.

Maybe it's the sunset always being a kind light to anyone who was there to witness it.

The sun doesn't blind him like it used to with long blonde hair, but the dark brown locks were soft with the light- as if they were inviting Dream to pet them. His eyes were the same way and the usually almost-black orbs seems softer, too. Like warm morning coffee fresh off the press.

He thinks that if he ever admits something like that out loud about George of all people, he would vomit at the cheesiness of it all.

Soon, the moon rises and the wind turns colder. Dream stands up, offering a hand to George.

He finds that the hand that grasps his own is cold, and the man shivers as soon as he stands properly. Dream wordlessly takes off his brown flannel and puts it on the other's shoulders. If asked about it, he prepares to answer how "it's instinct because of his ex" .

They walk towards the station, George needing to catch a train back to London, where Joseph would be waiting for him in their shared apartment.

"Well, get home safe, alright? Do you maybe wanna meet up for a drink tomorrow?" Dream asks, hoping he doesn't sound too awkward.

He doesn't know why he's embarrassed to ask George when they just made a literal agreement about it.

George sports a deadpan expression, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, fine. Around 7 pm, maybe. But you should be the one going to London, instead."

"God, fine, you're so demanding", Dream jokes. He continues, "I'll even treat you to a drink or two."

The man grins, and before they could say another word, the speakers call out the arrival of George's train.

"Bye Dream, thanks for agreeing to this."

Dream admittedly almost forgot that this wasn't a first date, but rather a weird sort of agreement between two men with their own goals.

"Yeah man, just make sure to prep for tomorrow."

"Fuck you", George laughs, getting on the train.

If you were to ask Dream what he thought of George after that day, he would shrug and say that the man was alright.

George was funny in his own right, and he was pretty good at flirting. But he would still think that he has all the pretty privilege in the world.

Does he like George by any means? Not really, no. He still thought that he was pretentious.

Maybe that's because he still associates the man with the lead singer of "Little Wine Day" , but he isn't sure if the opinion is gonna change even after they've gotten to know each other more.

He goes home and indulges himself with only 2 sticks of cigarettes, not letting himself admit that he's excited to try things out with the admittedly very pretty boy.

I didn't know what to name their band so I used a generator and itt gave me "Little Wine Day" and I just decided to use it 😭

Hope you enjoyed this chapter though :D

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