Chapter Five

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There will be smut in this chapter!!

London, still as smoggy and sad as ever.

Dream waits in a spot that's somewhere near George's place. He starts wondering why the aforementioned man was taking forever since he was the one that decided the spot.

Just as he was about to send a text, someone sits on the chair in front of him.

"Oh George, fucking finally you show up."

"Hi, Dreamy.", a sweet voice responds.

Wait a fucking second.

He looks up, eyeing the unfamiliar woman in front of him.

She had red hair that fell down her shoulders, sporting a sleeveless black dress. Her make up was pretty smudged, especially the lipstick, and it was a pretty good telltale sign of how her night has been going.

Dream stares at her for a bit, wondering if she was someone he knew or if she was a drunk fan trying to get with him. He awkwardly lets out a chuckle and shifts uncomfortably at the thought,

"Hello, I was actually already waiting for someone."

The woman pouts, leaning on the table a little to show her cleavage. Dream shifts his eyes away, wishing for whichever god he didn't believe in to stop trying to embarrass him.

And as if his faux prayers were heard, someone places a hand on his shoulder and he hears a familiar voice.

"Hi, sorry, is there something you need from my boyfriend."

The woman pouts as she looks up, like a little kid who didn't get what they want.

"You didn't tell me you were queer!", she says, wobbling as she stands up, "sorry loves!"

They watch her drunkenly walk back to her friends. A girl clearly the designated driver hits her at the back of her head before tucking the blonde into her arms and kissing her cheek.

"Wow, you couldn't even greet me that sweetly?", George asks, sitting on the chair where the woman previously sat and stealing Dream's pint.

"As if you wouldn't just deck me in the face if I tried that."


Dream sighs, ordering new drinks for both of them.

Benefit #1:
He can get you out of awkward situations.

The night passes with them casually drinking. Conversations ranging from anteaters to the origins of an eyebrow scar slid effortlessly and before he knows it, he's kissing George out of the pub.

He had George pinned against the wall on the corner of the building, just right beside an alleyway. Dream takes note of George tasting like alcohol and mint like a cool September day with summer ending and autumn starting.

Soon enough, George had dragged him to his place. The warmth of the shorter's body sticks to him even as they momentarily separate, but he still wants more.

"You live alone?"

"No, Joseph is just with his girlfriend tonight."

George kisses him again, and Dream kicks the door shut. The former tugs on the latter's coat, and he does the same for the other.

He's blindly led to a bedroom. He guesses it's George's and is pinned down to the bed. A complete power position switch from earlier.

"Strip. Now.", George demands, taking his own shirt off.

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