Chapter Twelve

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A couple of days pass uneventfully. Quackity takes it as a good thing because, after all, the saying "may you live in interesting times" is negative for a reason.

So, he spends his time noting down little lines and lyrics, hoping he could write a new song soon. He writes about his boyfriend Karl, and occasionally includes Karl's boyfriend Sapnap. He writes about their mornings together the lazy brunches, and the way they would all help set dinner up.

The third day comes, and it's become a little too uneventful. There's been no invitation from Joseph or George to come over just to hang out- hell, there were no traces of Joseph or George anywhere at all.

The three of them would post every other day or so, as their fans would often start little online riots trying to look for them whenever they would be inactive. But since Joseph and George have been MIA, their fans have started theorizing what might've been going on behind the scenes.

"Sap, have you heard from Joseph?", he asks, stepping out of their shared office.

"He keeps leaving me on read, so I know he's still alive. You know how he gets when he's trying to come up with a song. Why?"



Quackity sits on the sofa, sighing. Sapnap gives him a pat on the back, before grabbing his phone.

"What about George?", Sapnap asks.

"Probably with Dream. Have you tried messaging him? He doesn't read my messages at all."

"Ditto, dude. Fucker probably put his phone on do not disturb again."

They sit in silence for a bit, pondering what they should do. Quackity opens his phone, checks Twitter, and immediately closes it again. Right on time, the door opens.

"Woah, what's got my boyfriends all worried?" Karl asks. Sapnap stands up and takes the groceries from his arms, heading to the kitchen to put them away.

"Neither Joseph nor George are replying to us. Well, Joseph just leaving us on read, but there's not even a single sign from George."

"Why don't you just call Dream?"

Quackity grins, opening his arms. Karl smiles as well, hugging his boyfriend.

"You're so smart Karl, you know, this is why I fell in love with you."

He hears Karl laugh, muttering a small "please" . His boyfriend pulls away, giving him a kiss.

"I'll be helping Sap in the kitchen. Call Dream, okay?"

He watches Karl walk away, feeling the stupid cliché butterflies in his stomach. He thanks the stars that the three of them were smart and understanding enough to figure out their relationship.

Unlike some members of the band.

He opens his contacts, before realizing that he didn't even have Dreams number. Rolling his eyes, he opens Instagram instead and hopes the man had his DM's open.

Before he could even look up Dreams username, he receives a phone call.

Incoming Call: Unknown

Hope to fucking god this wasn't a fan that managed to find his number.


"Hi, this is Quackity right? It's me, Dream!"

Thank fucking god.

"Dream, hey!"

"Sorry for randomly calling— got your number from George from when I went to his place."

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