Chapter Twenty-five

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George smiles, but he still feels incredibly nervous. The atmosphere is nice and the alcohol is good and Dream holding his hand under the table is more than wonderful, yet he still feels nervous.

How could he not? He swears Cole is plotting his death.

And yeah, okay, maybe Cole has always had a scary look to him, but he thinks the anxiety is still justifiable.

He looks around, observing the people in their little corner. Quackity, Karl, Joseph, and Sapnap seemed to be getting along with Dreams band members, Bad and Skeppy were talking.

He turns to look at the man beside him, and despite the ice sitting in his glass for 10 minutes or so now, he feels like he's melted more.

Dream is just talking to Cole and Elena, smiling as he converses. He looks so animated, and George feels a little bit less nervous.

"Dream, I'm gonna go to the toilet. Want me to get drinks when I get back?"

"Oh sure, let me come with-"

"Dream!", he hears one of his friends call out. George sees Dream roll his eyes, and he looks at the men beckoning him over.

Elena has joined the little group of chaos, now cheering for Dream to do whatever it is the others wanted. The man looks back at him, an exasperated smile on his face.

"It's okay, I can go alone.", George smiles at him.

"Nah, I'll come with.", he hears from the other side of the table.

Cole stands, offering an awkward smile.

"Great! Thanks, Cole.", Dream grins. George nervously smiles, leading the way.

They walk to the restroom, and George immediately finishes his business. Cole waits for him by the sinks, and it's when he's done washing his hands the man speaks up.

"So… what are you and Dream? Like, what are your plans with him?"

George, taken aback by the question, stays silent for a bit. It was really only for 10 seconds at best, but it felt like hours for him.

The tap continuously dripped out water with no rhyme or rhythm. He felt like it was mocking him.

"Dream and I… we've decided to take things slow. But I love him.", he says, grabbing tissue instead of heading for the hand dryer.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't care about your relationship", Cole scoffs, hand resting at the back of his neck, a habit not too dissimilar to Dreams. "But are you two exclusive?"

He just cares about Dream. Chill, George.

"I would hope so."

"Then why did you kiss Joseph?"

If Cole actually was planning his death, George hopes that he goes through with it now.


"You kissed Joseph. I don't know why Dream is pretending to not know but-"

"Dream isn't pretending."

Cole eyes him down, brows a little furrowed. George would be intimidated by the height gap, but Dream is taller than his brother.

He ignores his heart pumping nervously. Totally not intimidated .

"We've talked about it. And...", he glances at the mirror-  has he looked this disoriented and messy the entire night? "... and I didn't kiss Joseph. Joseph kissed me."

He sees Cole brows furrow even more, but the man nods.

"I'm still pissed that it happened, but… I'll believe you for now", Cole scoffs, arms crossing. "Listen here, George."

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