Chapter Four

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If George were a stronger man, he would not be staring at Joseph when they're supposed to be watching a movie in front of him.

He could either be focusing on the screen or maybe fake texting his fake boyfriend. He could pretend to be busy or perhaps, he could step out of the living room and attempt to write a new song.

He could do those things if he were a stronger man.

But George was not a stronger man.

So he stays on the living room sofa staring at Joseph.

Soon enough, he feels himself drift off. A warm hand grabs his head and rests it on their chest. He knows who it is, and doesn't dwell on it and it's one of those things that Joseph does just because he's a nice person. At least, that's what George thinks.

The brit falls asleep trying to form the image of Joseph holding him in his arms, but ultimately failing due to his Aphantasia and sleepiness.

George finds himself to be 20 again, stuck in the garage of his new neighbour, schooling a deadpan expression as he stares at these boys he barely knew.

"What do you think?", the blonde asks, grinning from ear to ear.

He pinches the bridge of his nose, sighing.

"Let me get this straight... you, a 17-year-old... rugby-"


"... American football player. You want to start a band with me, a computer science student- in uni- along with your weeb friend who is, what, 15?"

"Hey, fuck you, I'm almost 16!", the youngest of the three calls out, his voice breaking as he swore.

"Oh, come on! You know how to play the guitar, Sap's good at drums, and I really want to do this. Plus, you said you'd do me a favour!"

George sighs again and purses his lips.

"Fine," he grits out, "do you promise to leave me alone after this?"

"Ehh, kinda. I mean, my mom's still paying you to tutor me, soooo-"

Sapnap cheers, interrupting Joseph

"Fuck yeah, we have a bassist now! Welcome to the band, George."

He stares at the two once more, before defeatedly asking,

"Do you even have a band name?"

"Of course it's- "

George watches in amusement as he stops his sentence. They didn't have a band name, they forgot to think of one.

"I'm guessing not, how about we practice for now and then you two can decide on what you want to name your little band?"

Everything suddenly shifts to be a little different. George sees that Joseph looks a little bit taller, and Sapnap sits on the sofa tucked at the corner of the room with this curly-haired brunet, smiling softly at the 3 of them.

George deduced that a year had passed since the earlier scenario, since he met Karl a year later than the 2 boys.

So you've been going for a year and you still don't have a band name?", Karl asks, giggling at the boy beside him.

Sapnap flushes, pining for the boy even back when they were still measly little teenagers.

"Shut up! We've been trying to come up with one that we can all agree on."

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