Chapter Fourteen

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"He started it!"

"What?! That's bullshit and we both know that very well."

George runs a hand through his hair, scoffing at the immaturity between the two men. Dream glares at Joseph, who was the first one to throw the other under the bus.

"Tell me what happened, unless you two are ready to stay a night outside without anything to keep you warm.", he warns, smiling menacingly.

Dream breaks eye contact, and Joseph rests his back on the couch. It almost made George laugh, the way their demeanours were so different, the former looking nervous, whilst the latter looked smug.

"Dream fucking shoved me, and it's not like I'm just gonna take his shit."

"You got us lost, asshole." Joseph opens his mouth to rebut, but Dream presses on. "I couldn't even offer to lead the way because you already went ahead, acting like you're a fucking local."

George sighs, eyeing the two of them. Joseph was obviously pissed, but once their eyes met, he stood down.

"How did you even find where I am?"

"Your mom- I mean, Bad called your mom. She said you were here."

He looks at Joseph, who was seemingly unbothered by the fight. Apart from the messy hair and the fixed furrowed brows, he seems fine.

And then Dream, with his messier than usual hair, and slightly bruised cheek. He eyes the man more and sees that the sleeves of his sweater had been pulled up, and there was a scratch on his left forearm.

"Did you even notice this?" George asks, kneeling in front of Dream. He gently takes the arm, brushing the sides where the scratch is.

"N-no, not really."

George brushes around the scratch once more, before standing up. He intends to call Mary for the medicine kit, but when he turns around, he finds his Grandmother smiling at him.

"Georgie, dear. You didn't tell me we were gonna have visitors over."

"I wasn't expecting them either, Nana."

Mary walks in, looking amused. Quackity, Karl, and Sapnap follow them, embarrassed.

"Your friends are loud George, Oh, here's the first aid kit, by the way."

"What happened to them?", his Grandma asks. George lightly scoffs, opening the first aid kit and focusing on Dream.

"They're idiots, Nana. Nothing much, really."

He finished up cleaning the scratch as fast, but as gentle, as he can. Once he's done, he faces his grandmother and sits between Joseph and Dream.

"Nana, the guy in the beanie is Quackity, colourful jacket is Karl, and the e-boy is Sapnap. Don't ask about their names."

"Hey!", Sapnap laughs out. George only smirks at him.

"This," he puts a hand on the blond's shoulder. He bites back the wish that he could have introduced the man under different circumstances. "Is Joseph."

"And this," he puts his hand down, shifting himself to sit closer to the brunet. The man wraps his arm around his waist. "Is Dream

He glances at Joseph, who was already making eye contact with him. He breaks it, returning his gaze to his grandmother.

"My boyfriend."

He feels his heartbeat pick up, faintly feeling Dream tighten his hold. He focuses on the latter feeling, grounding himself.

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