Chapter Twenty-one

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George did film the EP with Dreams band.

It was super fun. They filmed and had a couple of hiccups here and there but they eventually did finish. Them and the band went out to go get some dinner.

After dinner, the band went there separate ways knowing that Dream wanted to be alone with George now.

George, despite being someone who stays silent and keeps himself to the side at times, swears that he isn't this awkward around people.

In his defence, Dream isn't just a person . That's Dream Taken.

They don't really talk, but neither wanted to bring up the idea of George going back to London, so they stuck to walking around in silence, and he notices that he's been led to the same shore he was eyeing just the other night.

He feels Dream's hand brush against his, but couldn't bring himself to hold it. He shivers.

It was only 3 p.m., and they didn't want the day to end this early. He thinks Dream feels the same way, as the man sits him down in a very familiar spot.

George would joke about the place if it weren't for the tension, it was the spot where the man had sung a song for his ex-girlfriend; and as much as he doesn't want to be just an "ex" , he thinks the coincidence is still funny.

Before he could overanalyze his unsaid joke, Dream calls his name, patting the empty space beside him. George smiles, leaving 3 inches or so when sitting down.

"How… how have you been?", he asks, immediately berating himself for the awkward question. He hears Dream chuckle, and he tries to calm his unsteady heart.

"Still the same old Dream everyone knows and loves… went out with my family a couple of days ago for a little winter tradition thing."

George smiles, briefly thinking about calling his parents.

"What'd you guys do?"

"Winter Wonderland. Drista asks to go every year.

"Winter… wait-"

George swears his heart stops beating for a second.

"Yeah, it's why I congratulated you and Joseph … I saw him kissing you. Isn't that what you've wanted for so long?"

He wants to point out Dream's voice wavering but couldn't bring himself to say anything, and so, he resorts to grasping at the sleeve of the man's coat.

They sit in silence for a bit, neither making a move. George breathes deeply and grabs Dream's hand, finally gaining the courage to talk again.

"I… I thought it was. Now, I'm not so sure."

"... What made you change your mind, then?"

George feels Dream hold his hand, and he scoffs.

"You, idiot."

He hears Dream chuckle as a smile creeps up his own face, he hides it by burying his face on Dream arm.

"The deal's done… right?", he asks, hoping that Dream doesn't notice the shapes he's tracing on the man's back with his free hand.

"I suppose, yeah."

"Do you mind taking things slow with me, then?"

Dream doesn't immediately answer, and George feels himself die on the inside a little bit. He's tempted to run off and drown himself in the sea, when he feels a kiss softly land on the top of his head.

"Yes. Of course, yes."

They stay like that for a bit, not minding the way the breeze has picked up a bit. George almost forgets where he was, overwhelmed by the feeling of joy, relief and pure utter adoration .

It's not until he hears Dream mutter, and suddenly he's just being manhandled by the taller.

"It's gonna rain soon...", George hears, and then his hoodie being put up by Dream before he could even say anything. "We should go to my flat, yeah?"

He nods, feeling breathless as Dream smiles mischievously. Has he always been this helpless with feelings?

Before he could even verbally respond, the taller dirty blonde is dragging him. And as if the skies knew they were leaving, the rain started falling harder and harder.

"Dream!", he calls out, grinning despite being soaked. There was still a bit of a walk left, and George saw no use in rushing anymore.

The man stops, a confused smile gracing his face.

"Let's dance."

Before embarrassment could settle in, Dream raises their holding hands, then places his free hand on George's waist. He rushes to reciprocate, giggling.

He feels high, but not in the same way he would when they'd get their special gummies. George is reminded of the night after Dream's family dinner, and almost confirms in his mind that this is a forever safe feeling of high, only to also be reminded of Joseph.

Suddenly, he notices that Dream is preparing him to do a spin. And so, he does. At the same time, it makes his mind let go of the previous train of thoughts, and he hears Dream humming softly. It was something he couldn't really recognize, and he reminds himself to ask about it later.

After he kisses Dream .

His mind feels fuzzy, but soon enough they make it to Dream's flat. They giggle at each other, as Dream rushes inside to get the two of them a towel.

When the man comes back, he's offered a towel, sweater, and a familiar pair of sweatpants he never got to take back home. He thanks Dream, heading to the bathroom and changing into the comfier clothes.

It was weird, being in a flat that he's only been in a couple times, but feeling like he's finally home.

George steps out of the bathroom, and he heads to the living room. He's greeted by Dream smiling at him, offering up a glass of red wine. The music was pleasant, and the messy blankets strewn across the sofa made everything even more inviting.

Neither of them say a word, George only settles himself on the sofa and grabs the glass of wine. They toast, and Dream rests his head on his shoulder.

"What's up?"

Dream looks up at him, making eye contact. He almost misses it, but he sees the quick glance Dream took at his lips.

"... Can I?"

George scoffs, placing a soft kiss on Dreams lips.

The man tastes of wine, smoke, and the meal they had earlier. He thinks that Dream tastes a little bit bitter because of the cigarette, and yet he's never felt more sweet.

It still surprises George when Dream kisses him and they don't end up doing more just like tonight, as Dream bites his lip before pulling away, smiling at him.

"We'll take it slow."


George has never felt more loved.

Hope you enjoyed :D

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