Chapter Twenty-three

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Going out wearing only a single coat to protect you from London's bitter winds with an average of 68°F during winter, but Joseph didn't quite have the time to plan out what to do this time.

He shivers, ignoring his numb fingers. He rings George's phone for the fourth time and hears George's voicemail message for the fourth time.

"Hey, this is George! Sorry, I can't pick up right now, just leave your message after the beep though. BEEP! ... Kidding, this is the real beep this time- [beep]"

"George, listen. We need to talk, this is important. I'm picking you up from the station, okay?"

The silence from the other side of the line mocks him, and he ends the voicemail before he could say something he'll regret.

It was 4:30 PM, and the next train should be arriving in 11 minutes. He decides to grab a drink, warming his hands with the heat radiating from the thin paper cup.

When 4:41 PM arrives, he feels like a puppy waiting for his owner to come home.

He perks his head up and focuses all his attention on the people exiting the train. There were a lot of white boys with brown hair, sure, but none of them was his white boy with brown hair.

So he sits, waiting

and waiting

and waiting

and waiting.

Josephs coffee has gone cold, and so has his heart. An hour or so has passed, he's already called George 8 times, not counting the ones from before, and the man still wasn't back.

He almost feels angry, but finds that he's too tired to display it. So, he just sits there waiting.

6:11 PM comes, and he feels cold.

Not because of the temperature dropping along with the sun, but because of the view that greets him as soon as the door opens.

At first, he almost brushes everyone off, but the moment he almost gives up, he sees it.

George, in an unfamiliar maroon sweater and a more familiar coat, giggling with a tall man who places a kiss on his forehead.

Joseph feels something crawl around his body- whether it be shame, anger, or just sadness, he may never know. All he knows is that George, his George, looks so happy with Dream.

Supposed to be his George.

Almost was his George

Could've been his George.

He approaches them, trying to smile to the best of his ability. George seemed genuinely surprised to see him, albeit a little bit nervous.

"Joseph ... what are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to you. I've been calling you since 4, George."

Joseph sees George wince, and Dream tighten his hold on the man. He ignores the pang in his heart for now.

"My phone died earlier, sorry... You could've- never mind."

He nods, glancing at Dream for a second. George must've taken the hint because the man continues to talk.

"Dream and I were planning to walk around London... But we could do that next time, we can just head back to the flat for now, yeah?"

"Let's talk before we go back."

Joseph inhales deeply as George glances at Dream. He leads the way, winging it until he finds a quiet spot. Luckily enough, he finds a bridge with not too many people.

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