Chapter Six

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Joseph sits on the couch, Quackity was chilling beside him.

He bites his lip, subconsciously waiting for George to tell him off which is pretty dumb, considering that the man went out to walk Dream back to the train station.

Which, in Joseph's opinion, is also dumb. Why would 5'9 George need to walk 6'2 Dream home? Dream could absolutely protect himself if anything happened. Honestly-

"Dude, stop monologuing. I can hear you thinking way too fucking much.", Quackity chastises.

The blond sighs, leaning his head back and half-burying it into their pillows.

"... Why Dream, of all people?"

Joseph doesn't expect an answer, but Quackity shifts in his seat and inhales.

"I honestly don't know. But George seems happy, doesn't he?"

Does he?

Sure, George was somewhat extra bubbly whilst they were playing with Dream, but did that really say anything when he kept catching the small brunet looking at him?

But then again, he also had to watch George lean on Dream for no fucking reason, along with Dream placing little kisses on George's forehead to distract him whenever the two of them would play against each other.

"... Would I be an ass if I say that George deserves better?"

Quackity snorts,

"Dude, really? Alright alright alright- you say better but, what do you mean by that? Do you think you're better than him?"

Joseph opens his mouth to retort, but Quackity doesn't let him interrupt.

"The only difference you two have is that he is couple of inches taller."

Quackity goes back to his phone and Joseph pouts, muttering a small "that's not true" , but not really defending himself.

A couple of minutes pass under half-tense silence, when the black-haired boy speaks up.

"Aw, look at George's story."

Joseph reluctantly does as he's told, and inhales deeply at the image.

It seems that they've taken the "idiot", "What a cutie" bit as an ongoing inside joke. If ever asked, he would deny the slight bit of jealousy that bites him.


| Reply to George

get me coffee pls

Ok imma just get a random one

as long as it's from u bby ;)))

That was Dream
Didn't know you liked him that way...

shut up
why'd he use ur phone?

But yeah ill get you your coffee


Joseph locks his phone again, starting at the ceiling. He re-runs the conversation in his head and furrows his brows.

"George is like, super private with his phone, right?"

He glances at Quackity, who looks at him confused,

"Yeah, you of all people would know that. Why?"

The blond sits up as if he was getting ready to let out a full-blown theory.

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