Chapter Ten

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"Joseph?", George calls out.

He assumes that the man was either asleep or over at Elena's due to the lack of response. George sighs, taking his shoes off, willing to just pass out on the sofa so he could wait for Joseph.

But the moment he walks up to their living room, he finds a blond already situated on the sofa using his phone.

"Joseph?", he calls out once more. He sits down on the sofa's armrests, staring at the American.

"Mm?" was all he gets.

So Joseph is playing this game.

"Dream invited me to have dinner with his family last minute. Sorry."

The blond looks up,

"Wasn't even aware you two were so close that you're already being invited to family dinners."

"Oh come on, you used to invite me to your family dinners too."

"Yeah, because you live 2 houses away and my mom knows your mom!"

"Why was Karl never invited then?"

"Because that little shit invades during breakfast! Either way, that's not my point."

There was obvious tension in the room and neither of them knew what to do. Joseph stands up and George flinches, the blond furrows his brow at the reaction.

Neither of them knew what to do.

"Band practice at 1, Let's have lunch before we go."

George whispers a small "yeah", and Joseph proceeds to lock himself up in his room.

The brunet processes what just happened, feeling so much like shit. He looks at the time, deciding that he could still freshen up since it was only 10:43 am

He takes a shower, eyeing himself in the mirror.

His hair was getting a little too long for his liking, and the bruises Dream night left him with sat proudly on his collarbone, he finds a lone one on his hip, rolling his eyes at the sight.

Surprisingly, George finds that he doesn't care too much about the hickeys. Doing his skincare, he doesn't bother covering up his eyebags and the hickeys with concealer.

George steps out of the room, dressing himself up in a simple sweater and sweatpants. He groans at the reminder that a pair of his sweatpants are still at Dreams, and shoots the man a text.


Im washing it
Cant wait to have a new pair left in my room tomorrow


Depends on u, baby

Buy good sushi this time

Anything for u king

George leaves him on read, scoffing. And in perfect timing, a knock is heard from his door.

He wordlessly slips on the pair of shoes he usually wears, opening the door to Joseph who looked like he was about to say something. George tilts his head to the side a little, a sign for the man to proceed, but the blond didn't.

They exit the flat silently. It felt odd and usually, Joseph would be ranting about something new he watched or a song he's writing. He's not used to the silence. To the cold.

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